Nur Fadilah Jamaludin
Cited by
Cited by
Indirect tail states formation by thermal-induced polar fluctuations in halide perovskites
B Wu, H Yuan, Q Xu, JA Steele, D Giovanni, P Puech, J Fu, YF Ng, ...
Nature communications 10 (1), 484, 2019
Diffusive and drift halide perovskite memristive barristors as nociceptive and synaptic emulators for neuromorphic computing
RA John, N Yantara, SE Ng, MIB Patdillah, MR Kulkarni, NF Jamaludin, ...
Advanced Materials 33 (15), 2007851, 2021
Efficient and ambient‐air‐stable solar cell with highly oriented 2D@ 3D perovskites
T Ye, A Bruno, G Han, TM Koh, J Li, NF Jamaludin, C Soci, SG Mhaisalkar, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 28 (30), 1801654, 2018
Crown Ethers Enable Room-Temperature Synthesis of CsPbBr3 Quantum Dots for Light-Emitting Diodes
SA Veldhuis, YF Ng, R Ahmad, A Bruno, NF Jamaludin, B Damodaran, ...
ACS Energy Letters 3 (3), 526-531, 2018
Designing Efficient Energy Funneling Kinetics in Ruddlesden–Popper Perovskites for High‐Performance Light‐Emitting Diodes
N Yantara, A Bruno, A Iqbal, NF Jamaludin, C Soci, S Mhaisalkar, ...
Advanced Materials 30 (33), 1800818, 2018
Highly efficient Cs-based perovskite light-emitting diodes enabled by energy funnelling
YF Ng, SA Kulkarni, S Parida, NF Jamaludin, N Yantara, A Bruno, C Soci, ...
Chemical Communications 53 (88), 12004-12007, 2017
Designing the perovskite structural landscape for efficient blue emission
N Yantara, NF Jamaludin, B Febriansyah, D Giovanni, A Bruno, C Soci, ...
ACS Energy Letters 5 (5), 1593-1600, 2020
Hot carrier extraction in CH3NH3PbI3 unveiled by pump-push-probe spectroscopy
SS Lim, D Giovanni, Q Zhang, A Solanki, NF Jamaludin, JWM Lim, ...
Science Advances 5 (11), eaax3620, 2019
Improved Photovoltaic Efficiency and Amplified Photocurrent Generation in Mesoporous n = 1 Two-Dimensional Lead–Iodide Perovskite Solar Cells
B Febriansyah, TM Koh, Y Lekina, NF Jamaludin, A Bruno, R Ganguly, ...
Chemistry of Materials 31 (3), 890-898, 2019
Realizing reduced imperfections via quantum dots interdiffusion in high efficiency perovskite solar cells
L Xie, P Vashishtha, TM Koh, PC Harikesh, NF Jamaludin, A Bruno, ...
Advanced Materials 32 (40), 2003296, 2020
Ankit, SG Mhaisalkar, A. Basu, N. Mathews
RA John, N Yantara, SE Ng, MIB Patdillah, MR Kulkarni, NF Jamaludin
Adv. Mater 33 (15), 2007851, 2021
Recent advancements and perspectives on light management and high performance in perovskite light-emitting diodes
S Kar, NF Jamaludin, N Yantara, SG Mhaisalkar, WL Leong
Nanophotonics 10 (8), 2103-2143, 2021
Extended absorption window and improved stability of cesium-based triple-cation perovskite solar cells passivated with perfluorinated organics
KMM Salim, TM Koh, D Bahulayan, PC Harikesh, NF Jamaludin, ...
ACS Energy Letters 3 (5), 1068-1076, 2018
Slot-die coated methylammonium-free perovskite solar cells with 18% efficiency
M Fievez, PJS Rana, TM Koh, M Manceau, JH Lew, NF Jamaludin, ...
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 230, 111189, 2021
Improved photovoltaic performance of triple-cation mixed-halide perovskite solar cells with binary trivalent metals incorporated into the titanium dioxide electron transport layer
M Thambidurai, S Foo, KMM Salim, PC Harikesh, A Bruno, NF Jamaludin, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry C 7 (17), 5028-5036, 2019
Localized traps limited recombination in lead bromide perovskites
J Fu, NF Jamaludin, B Wu, M Li, A Solanki, YF Ng, S Mhaisalkar, ...
Advanced Energy Materials 9 (12), 1803119, 2019
Design of 2D templating molecules for mixed-dimensional perovskite light-emitting diodes
YF Ng, B Febriansyah, NF Jamaludin, D Giovanni, N Yantara, XY Chin, ...
Chemistry of Materials 32 (19), 8097-8105, 2020
Additives in halide perovskite for blue-light-emitting diodes: passivating agents or crystallization modulators?
NF Jamaludin, N Yantara, B Febriansyah, YB Tay, BT Muhammad, ...
ACS Energy Letters 6 (12), 4265-4272, 2021
Rapid Crystallization of All-Inorganic CsPbBr3 Perovskite for High-Brightness Light-Emitting Diodes
YF Ng, NF Jamaludin, N Yantara, M Li, VKR Irukuvarjula, HV Demir, ...
Acs Omega 2 (6), 2757-2764, 2017
White electroluminescence from perovskite–organic heterojunction
NF Jamaludin, N Yantara, D Giovanni, B Febriansyah, YB Tay, T Salim, ...
ACS Energy Letters 5 (8), 2690-2697, 2020
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Articles 1–20