Rachit Mehra
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Cited by
Impact of Topology on the Propagation of Cascading Failure in Power Grid
P Dey, R Mehra, F Kazi, S Wagh, N Singh
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2016
Shaping the energy of mechanical systems without solving partial differential equations
A Donaire, R Mehra, R Ortega, S Satpute, JG Romero, F Kazi, NM Singh
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2015
Analysis of PCA based compression and denoising of smart grid data under normal and fault conditions
R Mehra, N Bhatt, F Kazi, NM Singh
IEEE CONECCT, International Conference on Electronics, Computing and …, 2013
Differentiation of faults from power swings and detection of high impedance faults by distance relays
A Thakallapelli, R Mehra, HA Mangalvedekar
2013 IEEE 1st International Conference on Condition Assessment Techniques in …, 2013
Control of a class of underactuated mechanical systems obviating matching conditions
R Mehra, SG Satpute, F Kazi, NM Singh
Automatica 86, 98-103, 2017
Passivity based controller for underactuated PVTOL system
C Venkatesh, R Mehra, F Kazi, NM Singh
IEEE CONECCT, International Conference on Electronics, Computing and …, 2013
Modes preserving wavelet based multi-scale PCA algorithm for compression of smart grid data
R Mehra, V Patel, F Kazi, NM Singh, SR Wagh
2013 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and …, 2013
Geometric-PBC based control of 4-dof underactuated overhead crane system
R Mehra, S Satpute, F Kazi, NM Singh
The 21st International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, 2014
Geometric–PBC approach for control of circular ball and beam system
S Satpute, R Mehra, F Kazi, N Singh
Proceedings of the Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems MTNS, 2014
Passivity based control of stochastic mechanical system
R Mehra, S Satpute, F Kazi, NM Singh
IEEE ICARCV - 12th International Conference on Control Automation Robotics …, 2012
Feedback linearization of single-input and multi-input control system
R Mehra, V Chinde, F Kazi, NM Singh
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 47 (3), 5479-5484, 2014
Structure preserving optimal control of 2D-Spider Crane
S Bahadure, C Venkatesh, R Mehra, F Kazi, N Singh
IEEE SYSCON, Systems Conference, 2012 IEEE International, 1-6, 2012
Evolutionary-Discrete Mechanics Optimal Control for Spacecraft with Unactuated Fuel Slosh Dynamics
Y Chaudhari, S Satpute, V Chinde, R Mehra, NM Singh
IEEE ICCSII, Conference on Control, Systems & Industrial Informatics, ICCSII …, 2012
Blended Algorithm for Feedback linearization of single input control system
R Mehra, V Chinde, NM Singh, F Kazi
2013 10th IEEE International Conference on Control and Automation (ICCA …, 2013
Identification of Inflection Points along Protein Backbone by Frenet Quaternion Frame and Schršodinger Equation
R Sawlekar, A Yerudkary, R Mehra, F Kazi, NM Singh
IEEE ICCSII, Conference on Control, Systems & Industrial Informatics …, 2012
Theory of Complex Systems with Applications to Smart Grid Operations
A Tajer, I Dobson, S Kar, J Lavaei, L Xie, GC Zweigle, ...
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Articles 1–16