Aleksandr Kapitonov
Aleksandr Kapitonov
PBA academy
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Blockchain-based protocol of autonomous business activity for multi-agent systems consisting of UAVs
A Kapitonov, S Lonshakov, A Krupenkin, I Berman
2017 Workshop on Research, Education and Development of Unmanned Aerial …, 2017
Analysis of machine learning methods for wildfire security monitoring with an unmanned aerial vehicles
D Alexandrov, E Pertseva, I Berman, I Pantiukhin, A Kapitonov
2019 24th conference of open innovations association (FRUCT), 3-9, 2019
Решение инженерных задач в Scilab
АБ Андриевский, БР Андриевский, АА Капитонов, АЛ Фрадков
НИУ ИТМО, 2013
Output control approach “consecutive compensator” providing exponential and L-stability for nonlinear systems with delay and disturbance
AA Pyrkin, AA Bobtsov, SA Kolyubin, MV Faronov, SV Shavetov, ...
2011 IEEE International Conference on Control Applications (CCA), 1499-1504, 2011
Using of lego mindstorms nxt technology for teaching of basics of adaptive control theory
AA Bobtsov, AA Pyrkin, SA Kolyubin, SV Shavetov, SA Chepinskiy, ...
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 44 (1), 9818-9823, 2011
Blockchain based protocol for economical communication in industry 4.0
A Kapitonov, I Berman, S Lonshakov, A Krupenkin
2018 Crypto valley conference on blockchain technology (CVCBT), 41-44, 2018
Toward autonomous vehicles and machinery in mill yards of the forest industry: Technologies and proposals for autonomous vehicle operations
A Abdelsalam, A Happonen, K Kärhä, A Kapitonov, J Porras
IEEE Access 10, 88234-88250, 2022
Towards blockchain-based multi-agent robotic systems: Analysis, classification and applications
I Afanasyev, A Kolotov, R Rezin, K Danilov, M Mazzara, S Chakraborty, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1907.07433, 2019
Технология LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT в обучении студентов основам адаптивного управления
АА Бобцов, ЮА Капитанюк, АА Капитонов, СА Колюбин, АА Пыркин, ...
Научно-технический вестник информационных технологий, механики и оптики, 103-108, 2011
Trustable environmental monitoring by means of sensors networks on swarming autonomous marine vessels and distributed ledger technology
I Berman, E Zereik, A Kapitonov, F Bonsignorio, A Khassanov, A Oripova, ...
Frontiers in Robotics and AI 7, 70, 2020
Robonomics based on blockchain as a principle of creating smart factories
A Kapitonov, I Berman, V Bulatov, S Lonshakov, A Krupenkin
2018 Fifth International Conference on Internet of Things: Systems …, 2018
Geometric path following control of a rigid body based on the stabilization of sets
YA Kapitanyuk, SA Chepinskiy, AA Kapitonov
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 47 (3), 7342-7347, 2014
Robotic services for new paradigm smart cities based on decentralized technologies
A Kapitonov, S Lonshakov, I Berman, EC Ferrer, FP Bonsignorio, ...
Ledger, 2019
Robot-as-a-service: from cloud to peering technologies
A Kapitonov, S Lonshakov, V Bulatov, B Kia, J White
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Information Science and …, 2021
Control over the output of nonlinear systems with unaccounted-dynamics
AA Bobtsov, AA Kapitonov, NA Nikolaev
Automation and Remote Control 71, 2497-2504, 2010
Robonomics: platform for integration of cyber physical systems into human economy
S Lonshakov, A Krupenkin, A Kapitonov, E Radchenko, A Khassanov, ...
White Paper, 2018
The synthesis of precise rotating machine mathematical model, operating natural signals and virtual data
AA Zhilenkov, AA Kapitonov
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 221 (1), 012003, 2017
Lego Mindstorms NXT for students' research projects in control field
AA Bobtsov, AA Pyrkin, SA Kolyubin, AA Kapitonov, AD Feskov, ...
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 45 (11), 102-106, 2012
The basics of the identification, localization and navigation for mobile robots
D Dobriborsci, A Kapitonov, N Nikolaev
Information and Digital Technologies (IDT), 2017 International Conference on …, 2017
Application of the Stewart platform for studying in control theory
D Dobriborsci, A Kapitonov, N Nikolaev
2017 International Conference on Information and Digital Technologies (IDT …, 2017
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