Cain Polidano
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Cited by
The relation between cesarean birth and child cognitive development
C Polidano, A Zhu, JC Bornstein
Scientific reports 7 (1), 11483, 2017
Explaining the socio-economic status school completion gap
C Polidano, B Hanel, H Buddelmeyer
Education Economics 21 (3), 230-247, 2013
A second chance at education for early school leavers
C Polidano, D Tabasso, YP Tseng
Education Economics 23 (3), 358-375, 2015
The Kyoto Protocol: an economic analysis using GTEM
V Tulpule, S Brown, J Lim, C Polidano, H Pant, BS Fisher
The energy journal 20 (1_suppl), 257-285, 1999
Making it real: The benefits of workplace learning in upper-secondary vocational education and training courses
C Polidano, D Tabasso
Economics of Education Review 42, 130-146, 2014
An economic assessment of the Kyoto Protocol using the Global Trade and Environment Model
V Tulpulé, S Brown, J Lim, C Polidano, H Pant, BS Fisher
OECD Workshop on the Economic Modelling of Climate Change, 17-18, 1998
Outcomes from Combining Work and Tertiary Study. A National Vocational Education and Training Research and Evaluation Program Report.
C Polidano, R Zakirova
National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER), 2011
Differential labour market impacts from disability onset
C Polidano, H Vu
Health Economics 24 (3), 302-317, 2015
The Kyoto Protocol and developing countries: impacts and implications for mechanism design.
C Polidano, F Jotzo, E Heyhoe, G Jakeman, K Woffenden, BS Fisher
The economic impact of international climate change policy
S Brown, D Donovan, B Fisher, K Hanslow, M Hinchy, M Matthewson, ...
Participation in and completion of vocational education and training for people with a disability
C Polidano, K Mavromaras
Australian Economic Review 44 (2), 137-152, 2011
The Role of Vocational Education and Training in the Labour Market Outcomes of People with Disabilities. A National Vocational Education and Training Research and Evaluation …
C Polidano, K Mavromaras
National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER), 2010
The re‐engagement in education of early school leavers
D Black, C Polidano, YP Tseng
Economic Papers: A journal of applied economics and policy 31 (2), 202-215, 2012
Impacts from delaying access to retirement benefits on welfare receipt and expenditure: Evidence from a natural experiment
U Oguzoglu, C Polidano, H Vu
Economic Record 96 (312), 65-86, 2020
Early Impacts of the Victorian Training Guarantee on VET Enrolments and Graduate Outcomes. Research Report.
F Leung, D McVicar, C Polidano, R Zhang
National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER), 2014
Income and saving responses to tax incentives for private retirement savings
MK Chan, T Morris, C Polidano, H Vu
Journal of Public Economics 206, 104598, 2022
Long-term outcomes from Australian vocational education
C Polidano, C Ryan
Melbourne Institute Working Paper, 2016
Indigenous businesses sector snapshot study, insights from I-BLADE 1.0
M Evans, C Polidano, J Moschion, M Langton, M Storey, P Jensen, ...
The University of Melbourne, 2021
The ATO longitudinal information files (ALife): A new resource for retirement policy research
C Polidano, A Carter, M Chan, A Chigavazira, H To, J Holland, S Nguyen, ...
Australian Economic Review 53 (3), 429-449, 2020
Improving the employment rates of people with disabilities through vocational education
KG Mavromaras, C Polidano
Melbourne Institute Working Paper, 2011
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Articles 1–20