Shahram Hadian Jazi
Shahram Hadian Jazi
Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Isfahan
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Constrained kinematic control in minimally invasive robotic surgery subject to remote center of motion constraint
H Sadeghian, F Zokaei, S Hadian Jazi
Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems 95 (3-4), 901-913, 2019
Calculation of time dependent mesh stiffness of helical planetary gear system using analytical approach
M Rezaei, M Poursina, S Hadian Jazi, F Haji Aboutalebi
Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 32 (8), 3537-3545, 2018
Multi crack detection in helical gear teeth using transmission error ratio
M Rezaei, M Poursina, S Hadian Jazi, FH Aboutalebi
Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 33 (3), 1115-1121, 2019
Map-merging using maximal empty rectangles in a multi-robots SLAM process
S Hadian Jazi
Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 34 (6), 2573~2583, 2020
Dynamic analysis and control synthesis of grasping and slippage of an object manipulated by a robot
S Hadian Jazi, M Keshmiri, F Sheikholeslam
Advanced Robotics 22 (13-14), 1559-1584, 2008
Slippage control in soft finger grasping and manipulation
A Fakhari, M Keshmiri, I Kao, S Hadian Jazi
Advanced Robotics 30 (2), 97-108, 2016
A New approach on object slippage control in a cooperating manipulators system
S Hadian Jazi, M Keshmiri, F Sheikholeslam
International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and …, 2007
Nonlinear vibration of an elastically connected double Timoshenko nanobeam system carrying a moving particle based on modified couple stress theory
S Hadian Jazi
Archive of Applied Mechanics, 1-16, 2020
Map-merging in Multi-robot Simultaneous Localization and Mapping Process Using Two Heterogeneous Ground Robots
S Hadian Jazi, S Farahani, H Karimpour
International Journal of Engineering: Transaction A (Basics) 32 (4), 608-616, 2019
Dynamic analysis and control synthesis of undesired slippage of end-effectors in a cooperative grasping
S Hadian Jazi, M Keshmiri, F Sheikholeslam, MG Shahreza, M Keshmiri
Advanced Robotics 26 (15), 1693-1726, 2012
Nonlinear vibration analysis of an elastically connected double-non-classical Timoshenko microbeam subject to moving particle based on the modified couple stress theory
H Mostafa, K Torabi, S Hadian Jazi
Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering 42 …, 2020
A new experimental method for calculating mesh stiffness in healthy and cracked straight bevel gear system
A Talakesh, SH Jazi, A Ariaei, M Poursina
Measurement 224, 113804, 2024
An exact closed-form explicit solution of free transverse vibration for non-uniform multi-cracked beam
S Hadian Jazi, M Hadian, K Torabi
Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2023
A new approach on dynamic analysis and control synthesis of object grasping by manipulators
S Hadian Jazi, M Keshmiri, F Sheikholeslam
Proc. Of IASTEAD Conf. on Modeling and Simulation,, Montreal, Quebec, Canada …, 2007
Optimal Design of Parallel Manipulators
A Fattah, S Hadian Jazi
Simultaneous Localization and Mapping Using Laser Data and Unscented FastSLAM with Scan Matching
M Zamani Alavijeh, S Hadian Jazi
Modares Mechanical Engineering 16 (6), 217-225, 2016
Adaptive Slippage Control in a One-Finger Hand Robot Manipulation
S Hadian Jazi, M Keshmiri, S F.
Modares Mechanical Engineering 14 (13), 297-307, 2015
Adaptive manipulation and slippage control of an object in a multi-robot cooperative system
S Hadian Jazi, M Keshmiri, F Sheikholeslam, MG Shahreza, M Keshmiri
Robotica 32 (5), 783-802, 2014
Adaptive Control of Object Grasping by Manipulators, Considering Slippage in End-Effector
S Hadian Jazi, M Keshmiri, F Sheikholeslam, MJ Sadigh
IEEE Conference Number 12459, 475, 2007
A new mesh stiffness determination method in a straight bevel gear system through experimental modal analysis and metaheuristic algorithms
A Talakesh, SH Jazi, A Ariaei, M Poursina
Measurement 238, 115352, 2024
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Articles 1–20