Igor V. Gritsuk - Грицук Игорь Валериевич - Грицук Ігор Валерійович
Igor V. Gritsuk - Грицук Игорь Валериевич - Грицук Ігор Валерійович
Профессор, Херсонская государственная морская академия
Подтвержден адрес электронной почты в домене kma.ks.ua - Главная страница
Интеграция технической эксплуатации автомобилей в структуры и процессы интеллектуальных транспортных систем: монография
ВП Волков, ВП Матейчик, НО Я., КП Б., ГИ В., ВЮ В., КЕ А.
Донецк, 398с., 2013
Двигуни внутрішнього згоряння
АП Марченко, МК Рязанцев
серія підручників у 6, 2004
Information model of V2I system of the vehicle technical condition remote monitoring and control in operation conditions
IV Gritsuk, V Volkov, V Mateichyk, Y Grytsuk, Y Nikitchenko, D Klets, ...
SAE Technical Paper, 2018
Improving the Processes of Preheating and Heating after the Vehicular Engine Start by Using Heating System with Phase-Transitional Thermal Accumulator
VV Gritsuk I., Gutarevych Y., Mateichyk V.
SAE Technical Paper, 2016
The evaluation of vehicle fuel consumption and harmful emission using the heating system in a driving cycle
I Gritsuk, V Volkov, V Mateichyk, Y Gutarevych, M Tsiuman, N Goridko
SAE International Journal of Fuels and Lubricants 10 (1), 236-248, 2017
Measurement of industrial robot pose repeatability
I Kuric, V Tlach, Z Ságová, M Císar, I Gritsuk
MATEC web of conferences 244, 01015, 2018
Improvement of Diagnosing Methods of the Diesel Engine Functioning under Operating Conditions," SAE Technical Paper , , .
AN Varbanets R., Karianskyi S., Rudenko S., Gritsuk I., Yeryganov A ...
SAE Technical Paper, doi:10.4271/2017-01-2218, 2017
Optimization of vehicle operating conditions by using simulation modeling software
M Volodarets, I Gritsuk, N Chygyryk, E Belousov, A Golovan, O Volska, ...
SAE Technical Paper, 2019
Cloud-driven traffic monitoring and control based on smart virtual infrastructure
V Hahanov, W Gharibi, E Litvinova, S Chumachenko, A Ziarmand, ...
SAE Technical Paper, 2017
Тепловий акумулятор як засіб підвищення ефективності пуску стаціонарного двигуна в умовах низьких температур
ДС Адров, ІВ Грицук, ЮВ Прилепський, ВІ Дорошко
Збірник наукових праць Донецького інституту залізничного транспорту …, 2011
Computerized adaptive testing in educational electronic environment of maritime higher education institutions
OS Diahyleva, IV Gritsuk, OY Kononova, AY Yurzhenko
CTE Workshop Proceedings 8, 411-422, 2021
Improving engine pre-start and after-start heating by using the combined heating system
I Gritsuk, V Volkov, Y Gutarevych, V Mateichyk, V Verbovskiy
SAE Technical Paper, 2016
Evaluation of the powertrain condition based on the car acceleration and coasting data
E Rabinovich, IV Gritsuk, V Zuiev, EZ EY, A Golovan, Y Zybtsev, V Volkov, ...
SAE Technical Paper, 2018
Reducing harmful emissions of the vehicular engine by rapid after-start heating of the catalytic converter using thermal accumulator
IV Gritsuk, V Mateichyk, M Tsiuman, Y Gutarevych, M Smieszek, ...
SAE Technical Paper, 2018
Features of Mathematical Modeling in the Problems of Determining the Power of a Turbocharged Engine According to the Characteristics of the Turbocharger
A Golovan, I Gritsuk, V Popeliuk, O Sherstyuk, I Honcharuk, R Symonenko, ...
SAE International Journal of Engines 13 (1), 5-16, 2020
Improving fuel economy of spark ignition engines applying the combined method of power regulation
Y Gutarevych, V Mateichyk, J Matijošius, A Rimkus, I Gritsuk, O Syrota, ...
Energies 13 (5), 1076, 2020
Research of vehicle control informative functioning capacity
I Kuric, O Gorobchenko, O Litikova, I Gritsuk, V Mateichyk, M Bulgakov, ...
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 776 (1), 012036, 2020
Improvement of the assessment methods for the braking dynamics with abs malfunction
M Podrigalo, D Klets, O Sergiyenko, IV Gritsuk, O Soloviov, Y Tarasov, ...
SAE Technical Paper, 2018
Intelligent locomotive decision support system structure development and operation quality assessment
O Gorobchenko, O Fomin, I Gritsuk, V Saravas, Y Grytsuk, M Bulgakov, ...
2018 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Energy and Power …, 2018
Теплові акумулятори фазового переходу для транспортних засобів: параметри робочих процесів: монографія
КЗІ Александров В.Д., Гутаревич Ю.Ф., Грицук І.В., Прилепський Ю.В ...
Донецьк: Вид-во «Ноулідж» (Донецьке відділення), 2014
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