Rodrigo Moreno
Cited by
Cited by
Standardized evaluation framework for evaluating coronary artery stenosis detection, stenosis quantification and lumen segmentation algorithms in computed tomography angiography
HA Kirişli, M Schaap, CT Metz, AS Dharampall, WB Meijboom, ...
Medical Image Analysis 17 (8), 859–876, 2013
Hierarchical fracture classification of proximal femur X-Ray images using a multistage Deep Learning approach
L Tanzi, E Vezzetti, R Moreno, A Aprato, A Audisio, A Massè
European journal of radiology 133, 109373, 2020
X-ray bone fracture classification using deep learning: a baseline for designing a reliable approach
L Tanzi, E Vezzetti, R Moreno, S Moos
Applied Sciences 10 (4), 1507, 2020
Vessel Segmentation Using Implicit Model-Guided Level Sets
C Wang, R Moreno, O Smedby
3D Cardiovascular Imaging: a MICCAI segmentation challenge, 2012
Generalizing the mean intercept length tensor for gray-level images
R Moreno, M Borga, Ö Smedby
Medical physics (Lancaster) 39 (7), 4599-4612, 2012
Trabecular bone structure parameters from 3D image processing of clinical multi-slice and cone-beam computed tomography data
E Klintström, Ö Smedby, R Moreno, TB Brismar
Skeletal radiology 43, 197-204, 2014
Techniques for computing fabric tensors: a review
R Moreno, M Borga, Ö Smedby
Visualization and processing of tensors and higher order descriptors for …, 2014
Trabecular bone histomorphometric measurements and contrast-to-noise ratio in CBCT
E Klintström, Ö Smedby, B Klintström, TB Brismar, R Moreno
Dentomaxillofacial Radiology 43 (8), 20140196, 2014
On improving the efficiency of tensor voting
R Moreno, MA Garcia, D Puig, L Pizarro, B Burgeth, J Weickert
IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 33 (11), 2215 …, 2011
A new methodology for evaluation of edge detectors
R Moreno, D Puig, C Julia, MA Garcia
2009 16th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 2157-2160, 2009
Predicting trabecular bone stiffness from clinical cone-beam CT and HR-pQCT data; an in vitro study using finite element analysis
E Klintström, B Klintström, R Moreno, TB Brismar, DH Pahr, Ö Smedby
PLoS One 11 (8), e0161101, 2016
Gradient-based enhancement of tubular structures in medical images
R Moreno, Ö Smedby
Medical Image Analysis 26 (1), 19-29, 2015
A comparative study of trabecular bone micro-structural measurements using different CT modalities
I Guha, B Klintström, E Klintström, X Zhang, Ö Smedby, R Moreno, ...
Physics in Medicine & Biology 65 (23), 235029, 2020
Prediction of apparent trabecular bone stiffness through fourth-order fabric tensors
R Moreno, Ö Smedby, DH Pahr
Biomechanics and modeling in mechanobiology 15 (4), 831-844, 2016
Estimation of trabecular thickness in gray-scale images through granulometric analysis
R Moreno, M Borga, Ö Smedby
Medical Imaging 2012: Image Processing 8314, 1416-1424, 2012
Photon-counting detector CT and energy-integrating detector CT for trabecular bone microstructure analysis of cubic specimens from human radius
B Klintström, L Henriksson, R Moreno, A Malusek, Ö Smedby, ...
European radiology experimental 6 (1), 31, 2022
An efficient radiographic image retrieval system using convolutional neural network
M Chowdhury, SR Bulo, R Moreno, MK Kundu, Ö Smedby
2016 23rd international conference on pattern recognition (ICPR), 3134-3139, 2016
Edge-preserving color image denoising through tensor voting
R Moreno, MA Garcia, D Puig, C Julià
Computer Vision and Image Understanding 115 (11), 1536-1551, 2011
Quantitative fat and R2* mapping in vivo to measure lipid‐rich necrotic core and intraplaque hemorrhage in carotid atherosclerosis
S Koppal, M Warntjes, J Swann, P Dyverfeldt, J Kihlberg, R Moreno, ...
Magnetic resonance in medicine 78 (1), 285-296, 2017
Robust color edge detection through tensor voting
R Moreno, MA Garcia, D Puig, C Julià
2009 16th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 2153-2156, 2009
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Articles 1–20