Amílcar Cardoso
Cited by
Cited by
Computing aesthetics
P Machado, A Cardoso
Brazilian symposium on artificial intelligence, 219-228, 1998
All the truth about NEvAr
P Machado, A Cardoso
Applied Intelligence 16, 101-118, 2002
Converging on the divergent: The history (and future) of the international joint workshops in computational creativity
A Cardoso, T Veale, GA Wiggins
AI magazine 30 (3), 15-15, 2009
Modeling forms of surprise in an artificial agent
L Macedo, A Cardoso
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society 23 (23), 2001
Melody Detection in Polyphonic Musical Signals Exploiting Perceptual Rules, Note Salience, and Melodic Smoothness
RP Paiva, T Mendes, A Cardoso
Computer Music Journal, 80-98, 2006
NEvAr–the assessment of an evolutionary art tool
P Machado, A Cardoso
Proceedings of the AISB00 Symposium on Creative & Cultural Aspects and …, 2000
Tra-la-Lyrics: An approach to generate text based on rhythm
HRG Oliveira, FA Cardoso, FC Pereira
Proceedings of the 4th. International Joint Workshop on Computational Creativity, 2007
Modeling forms of surprise in artificial agents: empirical and theoretical study of surprise functions
L Macedo, R Reisezein, A Cardoso
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society 26 (26), 2004
Computational creativity
T Veale, A Cardoso
Computational Synthesis and Creative Systems, 2019
Artificial surprise
L Macedo, A Cardoso, R Reisenzein, E Lorini
Handbook of research on synthetic emotions and sociable robotics: New …, 2009
Adaptive critics for evolutionary artists
P Machado, J Romero, ML Santos, A Cardoso, B Manaris
Applications of Evolutionary Computing: EvoWorkshops 2004: EvoBIO, EvoCOMNET …, 2004
Automatic reading and learning from text
A Oliveira, FC Pereira, A Cardoso
Proceedings of the international symposium on artificial intelligence (ISAI), 2001
Increasing student commitment in introductory programming learning
AJ Mendes, L Paquete, A Cardoso, A Gomes
2012 Frontiers in Education Conference Proceedings, 1-6, 2012
On the development of critics in evolutionary computation artists
J Romero, P Machado, A Santos, A Cardoso
Applications of Evolutionary Computing: EvoWorkshops 2003: EvoBIO, EvoCOP …, 2003
Optimality principles for conceptual blending: A first computational approach
FC Pereira, A Cardoso
AISB Journal 1 (4), 351-369, 2003
Conceptual blending and the quest for the holy creative process
FC Pereira, A Cardoso
Proceedings of the 2nd. Workshop on Creative Systems, ECAI 2002, Lyon, France, 2002
Graph based crossover–a case study with the busy beaver problem
FB Pereira, P Machado, E Costa, A Cardoso
Proceedings of the 1st Annual Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary …, 1999
On the Detection of Melody Notes in Polyphonic Audio.
RP Paiva, T Mendes, A Cardoso
ISMIR, 175-182, 2005
Partially interactive evolutionary artists
P Machado, J Romero, A Cardoso, A Santos
New Generation Computing 23, 143-155, 2005
Creativity and surprise
L Macedo, A Cardoso
Proceedings of the AISB 1, 84-92, 2001
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Articles 1–20