Brigitte Jörg, PhD
Cited by
Cited by
Question answering from structured knowledge sources
A Frank, HU Krieger, F Xu, H Uszkoreit, B Crysmann, B Jörg, U Schäfer
Journal of Applied Logic 5 (1), 20-48, 2007
CERIF: The common European research information format model
B Jörg
Data Science Journal, 1006280236-1006280236, 2010
Research information management: the CERIF approach
K Jeffery, N Houssos, B Jörg, A Asserson
International Journal of Metadata, Semantics and Ontologies 9 (1), 5-14, 2014
Contextual phenomena and thematic relations in database QA dialogues: results from a Wizard-of-Oz experiment
N Bertomeu, H Uszkoreit, A Frank, HU Krieger, B Jörg
Proceedings of the Interactive Question Answering Workshop at HLT-NAACL 2006 …, 2006
Entities and identities in research information systems
B Joerg, T Höllrigl, MA Sicilia
EuroCRIS, 2012
OpenAIRE guidelines for CRIS managers: supporting interoperability of open research information through established standards
N Houssos, B Jörg, J Dvořák, P Príncipe, E Rodrigues, P Manghi, ...
Procedia Computer Science 33, 33-38, 2014
Connecting Closed World Research Information Systems through the Linked Open Data Web
B Jörg, I Ruiz-Ruge, MA Sicilia, J Dvorák, K Jeffery, T Höllrigl, ...
International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering 22 …, 2012
The data model of the openaire scientific communication e-infrastructure
P Manghi, N Houssos, M Mikulicic, B Jörg
Research Conference on Metadata and Semantic Research, 168-180, 2012
Querying structured knowledge sources
A Frank, HU Krieger, F Xu, H Uszkoreit, B Crysmann, B Jörg, U Schäfer
Proceedings of AAAI-05. Workshop on question answering in restricted domains …, 2005
Towards the nature of citations
B Jorg
Poster Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Formal Ontology in …, 2008
CERIF 1.3 full data model (FDM): introduction and specification
B Jörg, K Jeffery, J Dvořák, N Houssos, A Asserson, G van Grootel
euroCRIS, 2012
From open data to data-intensive science through CERIF
KG Jeffery, A Asserson, N Houssos, V Brasse, B Jörg
Procedia Computer Science 33, 191-198, 2014
IST World: European RTD information and service portal
B Jörg, J Ferlež, E Grabczewski, M Jermol
8th International Conference on Current Research Inforation Systems …, 2006
A multi-level metadata approach for a Public Sector Information data infrastructure
N Houssos, B Jörg, B Matthews
OpenAIRE Guidelines for Literature Repositories, Data Archives and CRIS managers
P Principe, N Rettberg, E Rodrigues, MK Elbæk, J Schirrwagen, ...
Open Repositories 2014, 2014
OpenAIRE guidelines: supporting interoperability for literature repositories, data archives and CRIS
P Príncipe, N Rettberg, E Rodrigues, MK Elbæk, J Schirrwagen, ...
Procedia Computer Science 33, 92-94, 2014
An ontology-based knowledge portal for language technology
H Uszkoreit, B Jörg, G Erbach
Proc. of ENABLER/ELSNET WS, 2003
OpenAIRE guidelines for CRIS managers 1.0
N Houssos, B Joerg, J Dvořak
Online verfügbar unter https://zenodo. org/record/17065#. V-zFtnKa2Uk …, 2015
A 3-Layer model for metadata
K Jeffery, A Asserson, N Houssos, B Jörg
DC-2013, Lisbon, Portugal, 2014
The Ontology-based Architecture of LT World, a Comprehensive Web Information System for a Science and Technology Discipline
B Jörg, H Uszkoreit
Leitbild Informationskompetenz: Positionen-Praxis-Perspektiven im …, 2005
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Articles 1–20