Vodopyanov Alexander (Водопьянов Александр) Vodopianov Vodop'yanov
Vodopyanov Alexander (Водопьянов Александр) Vodopianov Vodop'yanov
Institute of Applied Physics Russian Academy of Sciences
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Cited by
A point-like source of extreme ultraviolet radiation based on a discharge in a non-uniform gas flow, sustained by powerful gyrotron radiation of terahertz frequency band
MY Glyavin, SV Golubev, IV Izotov, AG Litvak, AG Luchinin, SV Razin, ...
Applied Physics Letters 105 (17), 2014
New progress of high current gasdynamic ion source
V Skalyga, I Izotov, S Golubev, A Sidorov, S Razin, A Vodopyanov, ...
Review of Scientific Instruments 87 (2), 2016
Formation of multi-charged ions and plasma stability at quasigasdynamic plasma confinement in a mirror magnetic trap
SV Golubev, SV Razin, VE Semenov, AN Smirnov, AV Vodopyanov, ...
Review of Scientific Instruments 71 (2), 669-671, 2000
Multiple ionization of metal ions by ECR heating of electrons in vacuum arc plasmas
AV Vodopyanov, SV Golubev, VG Zorin, SV Razin, AV Vizir, AG Nikolaev, ...
Review of scientific instruments 75 (5), 1888-1890, 2004
Source for extreme ultraviolet lithography based on plasma sustained by millimeter-wave gyrotron radiation
NI Chkhalo, SV Golubev, D Mansfeld, NN Salashchenko, LA Sjmaenok, ...
Journal of Micro/Nanolithography, MEMS, and MOEMS 11 (2), 021123-021123, 2012
High current ECR source of multicharged ion beams
S Golubev, I Izotov, S Razin, A Sidorov, V Skalyga, A Vodopyanov, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam …, 2007
Observation of extreme ultraviolet light emission from an expanding plasma jet with multiply charged argon or xenon ions
AG Shalashov, AV Vodopyanov, IS Abramov, AV Sidorov, ...
Applied Physics Letters 113 (15), 2018
Application of the 263 GHz/1 kW gyrotron setup to produce a metal oxide nanopowder by the evaporation-condensation technique
AV Vodopyanov, AV Samokhin, NV Alexeev, MA Sinayskiy, AI Tsvetkov, ...
Vacuum 145, 340-346, 2017
Conversion of carbon dioxide in microwave plasma torch sustained by gyrotron radiation at frequency of 24 GHz at atmospheric pressure
D Mansfeld, S Sintsov, N Chekmarev, A Vodopyanov
Journal of CO2 Utilization 40, 101197, 2020
Experimental investigations of silicon tetrafluoride decomposition in ECR discharge plasma
AV Vodopyanov, SV Golubev, DA Mansfeld, PG Sennikov, YN Drozdov
Review of Scientific Instruments 82 (6), 2011
Observation of pulsed fast electron precipitations and the cyclotron generation mechanism of burst activity in a decaying ECR discharge plasma
AV Vodopyanov, SV Golubev, AG Demekhov, VG Zorin, DA Mansfeld, ...
Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics 104, 296-306, 2007
Plasma parameters of an electron cyclotron resonance discharge in a magnetic mirror in a quasi-gasdynamic confinement regime
AV Vodop’yanov, SV Golubev, VG Zorin, SV Razin, MA Shilov
Technical Physics Letters 25, 588-589, 1999
A double-stream Xe: He jet plasma emission in the vicinity of 6.7 nm
NI Chkhalo, SA Garakhin, SV Golubev, AY Lopatin, AN Nechay, ...
Applied Physics Letters 112 (22), 2018
Gas discharge powered by the focused beam of the high-intensive electromagnetic waves of the terahertz frequency band
AV Sidorov, SV Golubev, SV Razin, AP Veselov, AV Vodopyanov, ...
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 51 (46), 464002, 2018
Maser based on cyclotron resonance in a decaying plasma
AG Shalashov, AV Vodopyanov, SV Golubev, AG Demekhov, VG Zorin, ...
JETP letters 84, 314-319, 2006
Laboratory modeling of nonstationary processes in space cyclotron masers: First results and prospects
AV Vodop’yanov, SV Golubev, AG Demekhov, VG Zorin, DA Mansfel’d, ...
Plasma physics reports 31, 927-937, 2005
Multicharged ion generation in plasma created by millimeter waves and confined in a CUSP magnetic trap
S Golubev, I Izotov, S Razin, V Skalyga, A Vodopyanov, V Zorin
Fusion science and technology 47 (1T), 345-347, 2005
Measurement of plasma density in the discharge maintained in a nonuniform gas flow by a high-power terahertz-wave gyrotron
AV Sidorov, SV Razin, SV Golubev, MI Safronova, AP Fokin, AG Luchinin, ...
Physics of Plasmas 23 (4), 2016
High current density ion beam formation from plasma of ECR discharge
SV Golubev, SV Razin, AV Sidorov, VA Skalyga, AV Vodopyanov, ...
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 75 (5), 1675-1677, 2004
Metal oxide nanopowder production by evaporation–condensation using a focused microwave radiation at a frequency of 24 GHz
AV Samokhin, NV Alexeev, AV Vodopyanov, DA Mansfeld, YV Tsvetkov
Journal of Nanotechnology in Engineering and Medicine 6 (1), 011008, 2015
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Articles 1–20