Samir Medjiah
Samir Medjiah
Associate Professor, LAAS-CNRS/Paul Sabatier Univeristy-Toulouse III
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Software defined networking and virtualization for broadband satellite networks
L Bertaux, S Medjiah, P Berthou, S Abdellatif, A Hakiri, P Gelard, ...
IEEE Communications Magazine 53 (3), 54-60, 2015
Toward semantic interoperability in oneM2M architecture
MB Alaya, S Medjiah, T Monteil, K Drira
IEEE Communications Magazine 53 (12), 35-41, 2015
AGEM: adaptive greedy-compass energy-aware multipath routing protocol for WMSNs
S Medjiah, T Ahmed, F Krief
Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC), 2010 7th IEEE, 1-6, 2010
Experimental comparison of the diagnostic capabilities of classification and clustering algorithms for the QoS management in an autonomic IoT platform
L Morales, CA Ouedraogo, J Aguilar, C Chassot, S Medjiah, K Drira
Service Oriented Computing and Applications 13 (3), 199-219, 2019
Quality of service modeling for green scheduling in Clouds
T Guérout, S Medjiah, G Da Costa, T Monteil
Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems 4 (4), 225-240, 2014
Streaming multimedia over WMSNs: an online multipath routing protocol
S Medjiah, T Ahmed, AH Asgari
International Journal of Sensor Networks 11 (1), 10-21, 2012
Orion routing protocol for delay tolerant networks
S Medjiah, T Ahmed
2011 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 1-6, 2011
GEAMS: a geographic energy-aware multipath stream-based routing protocol for WMSNs
S Medjiah, T Ahmed, F Krief
2009 Global Information Infrastructure Symposium, 1-8, 2009
GEAMS: a geographic energy-aware multipath stream-based routing protocol for WMSNs
S Medjiah, T Ahmed, F Krief
2009 Global Information Infrastructure Symposium, 1-8, 2009
Sailing over data mules in delay-tolerant networks
S Medjiah, T Taleb, T Ahmed
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 13 (1), 5-13, 2014
A DDS/SDN based communication system for efficient support of dynamic distributed real-time applications
L Bertaux, A Hakiri, S Medjiah, P Berthou, S Abdellatif
2014 IEEE/ACM 18th International Symposium on Distributed Simulation and …, 2014
Avoiding quality bottlenecks in P2P adaptive streaming
S Medjiah, T Ahmed, R Boutaba
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 32 (4), 734-745, 2014
Enhancing Middleware-based IoT Applications through Run-Time Pluggable QoS Management Mechanisms. Application to a oneM2M compliant IoT Middleware
CA Ouedraogo, S Medjiah, C Chassot, K Drira
Procedia Computer Science 130, 619-627, 2018
A cost-effective approach for end-to-end QoS management in NFV-enabled IoT platforms
CA Ouedraogo, S Medjiah, C Chassot, K Drira, J Aguilar
IEEE internet of things journal 8 (5), 3885-3903, 2020
Low power radiolocation through long range wide area networks: A performance study
N Accettura, S Medjiah, B Prabhu, T Monteil
2017 IEEE 13th International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing …, 2017
AGEM: Un Protocole de Routage Géographique Angulaire Adaptatif
S Medjiah, T Ahmed, F Krief, P Gélard
French conference on the protocols engineering. Strasbourg, France, CFIP, 2009
Capacity Planning of Fog Computing Infrastructures under Probabilistic Delay Guarantees
I Stypsanelli, O Brun, S Medjiah, B Prabhu
2019 IEEE International Conference on Fog Computing (ICFC 2019), 2019
Flyweight Network Functions for Network Slicing in IoT
CA Ouedraogo, S Medjiah, C Chassot, J Aguilar
2018 International Conference on Smart Communications in Network …, 2018
A Modular Framework for Dynamic QoS Management at the Middleware Level of the IoT: Application to a OneM2M Compliant IoT Platform
CA Ouedraogo, S Medjiah, C Chassot
2018 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 1-7, 2018
Scalable video streaming over p2p networks: A matter of harmony?
S Medjiah, T Ahmed, E Mykoniati, D Griffin
2011 IEEE 16th International Workshop on Computer Aided Modeling and Design …, 2011
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Articles 1–20