Ming-Hsiang Chen 陳明祥
Ming-Hsiang Chen 陳明祥
School of Hospitality Business Management, Carson College of Business, Washington State University
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Tourism expansion and economic development: the case of Taiwan
HJ Kim, MH Chen, SC Jang
Tourism Management 27 (5), 925-933, 2006
The impact of the SARS outbreak on Taiwanese hotel stock performance: An event-study approach
MH Chen, SCS Jang, WG Kim
International journal of hospitality management 26 (1), 200-212, 2007
Can corporate social responsibility protect firm value during the COVID-19 pandemic?
SC Qiu, J Jiang, X Liu, MH Chen, X Yuan
International Journal of Hospitality Management 93, 102759, 2021
The US airlines relative positioning based on attributes of service quality
D Gursoy, MH Chen, HJ Kim
Tourism management 26 (1), 57-67, 2005
Effects of rural revitalization on rural tourism
J Yang, R Yang, MH Chen, CHJ Su, Y Zhi, J Xi
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management 47, 35-45, 2021
US sustainable food market generation Z consumer segments
CH Su, CH Tsai, MH Chen, WQ Lv
Sustainability 11 (13), 3607, 2019
The economy, tourism growth and corporate performance in the Taiwanese hotel industry
MH Chen
Tourism Management 31 (5), 665-675, 2010
The impact of macroeconomic and non-macroeconomic forces on hotel stock returns
MH Chen, WG Kim, HJ Kim
International Journal of Hospitality Management 24 (2), 243-258, 2005
The response of hotel performance to international tourism development and crisis events
MH Chen
International Journal of Hospitality Management 30 (1), 200-212, 2011
Macro and non-macro explanatory factors of Chinese hotel stock returns
MH Chen
International Journal of Hospitality Management 26 (4), 991-1004, 2007
Risk and return: CAPM and CCAPM
MH Chen
The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance 43 (2), 369-393, 2003
Interactions between business conditions and financial performance of tourism firms: Evidence from China and Taiwan
MH Chen
Tourism Management 28 (1), 188-203, 2007
The impact of policy responses to COVID-19 on US travel and leisure companies
MH Chen, E Demir, CD García-Gómez, A Zaremba
Annals of Tourism Research Empirical Insights 1 (1), 100003, 2020
Integrating ABC and TOC for better manufacturing decision making
C Sheu, MH Chen, S Kovar
Integrated Manufacturing Systems 14 (5), 433-441, 2003
The impact of corporate charitable giving on hospitality firm performance: doing well by doing good?
MH Chen, CP Lin
International Journal of Hospitality Management 47, 25-34, 2015
Well-being and career change intention: COVID-19’s impact on unemployed and furloughed hospitality workers
CC Chen, MH Chen
International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 2021
The fear of being infected and fired: Examining the dual job stressors of hospitality employees during COVID-19
CC Chen, SS Zou, MH Chen
International Journal of Hospitality Management 102, 103131, 2022
Modeling a green supply chain in the hotel industry: An evolutionary game theory approach
MH Chen, H Wei, M Wei, H Huang, CHJ Su
International Journal of Hospitality Management 92, 102716, 2021
Financial portfolio approach to optimal tourist market mixes
SCS Jang, MH Chen
Tourism management 29 (4), 761-770, 2008
Hotel stock performance and monetary conditions
MH Chen
International Journal of Hospitality Management 26 (3), 588-602, 2007
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Articles 1–20