Martijn C. Willemsen
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Cited by
Explaining the user experience of recommender systems
BP Knijnenburg, MC Willemsen, Z Gantner, H Soncu, C Newell
User modeling and user-adapted interaction 22, 441-504, 2012
Understanding choice overload in recommender systems
D Bollen, BP Knijnenburg, MC Willemsen, M Graus
Proceedings of the fourth ACM conference on Recommender systems, 63-70, 2010
Process models deserve process data: Comment on Brandstätter, Gigerenzer, and Hertwig (2006).
EJ Johnson, M Schulte-Mecklenbeck, MC Willemsen
American Psychological Association 115 (1), 263, 2008
User perception of differences in recommender algorithms
MD Ekstrand, FM Harper, MC Willemsen, JA Konstan
Proceedings of the 8th ACM Conference on Recommender systems, 161-168, 2014
Evaluating recommender systems with user experiments
BP Knijnenburg, MC Willemsen
Recommender systems handbook, 309-352, 2015
Each to his own: how different users call for different interaction methods in recommender systems
BP Knijnenburg, NJM Reijmer, MC Willemsen
Proceedings of the fifth ACM conference on Recommender systems, 141-148, 2011
Process-tracing methods in decision making: On growing up in the 70s
M Schulte-Mecklenbeck, JG Johnson, U Böckenholt, DG Goldstein, ...
Current Directions in Psychological Science 26 (5), 442-450, 2017
Visiting the decision factory: Observing cognition with MouselabWEB and other information acquisition methods
MC Willemsen, EJ Johnson
A handbook of process tracing methods for decision research, 21-42, 2011
Behaviorism is not enough: better recommendations through listening to users
MD Ekstrand, MC Willemsen
Proceedings of the 10th ACM conference on recommender systems, 221-224, 2016
Human decision making and recommender systems
A Jameson, MC Willemsen, A Felfernig, M De Gemmis, P Lops, ...
Recommender systems handbook, 611-648, 2015
Understanding the role of latent feature diversification on choice difficulty and satisfaction
MC Willemsen, MP Graus, BP Knijnenburg
User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction 26, 347-389, 2016
Inferring capabilities of intelligent agents from their external traits
BP Knijnenburg, MC Willemsen
ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems (TiiS) 6 (4), 1-25, 2016
A pragmatic procedure to support the user-centric evaluation of recommender systems
BP Knijnenburg, MC Willemsen, A Kobsa
Proceedings of the fifth ACM conference on Recommender systems, 321-324, 2011
Choice by value encoding and value construction: Processes of loss aversion.
MC Willemsen, U Böckenholt, EJ Johnson
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 140 (3), 303, 2011
Effective user interface designs to increase energy-efficient behavior in a rasch-based energy recommender system
A Starke, M Willemsen, C Snijders
Proceedings of the eleventh ACM conference on recommender systems, 65-73, 2017
Understanding the effect of adaptive preference elicitation methods on user satisfaction of a recommender system
BP Knijnenburg, MC Willemsen
Proceedings of the third ACM conference on Recommender systems, 381-384, 2009
Nudging healthy choices in food search through visual attractiveness
AD Starke, MC Willemsen, C Trattner
Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence 4, 621743, 2021
Improving the user experience during cold start through choice-based preference elicitation
MP Graus, MC Willemsen
Proceedings of the 9th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems, 273-276, 2015
Rating support interfaces to improve user experience and recommender accuracy
TT Nguyen, D Kluver, TY Wang, PM Hui, MD Ekstrand, MC Willemsen, ...
Proceedings of the 7th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems, 149-156, 2013
Using latent features diversification to reduce choice difficulty in recommendation lists
MC Willemsen, BP Knijnenburg, MP Graus, LCM Velter-Bremmers, K Fu
Joint Workshop on Human Decision Making in Recommender Systems (Decisions …, 2011
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Articles 1–20