Reza Alizadeh (ORCID: 0000-0003-2414-0764)
Reza Alizadeh (ORCID: 0000-0003-2414-0764)
Assistant Professor- Sharif University of Technolgy
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Effect of crystallographic texture and twinning on the corrosion behavior of Mg alloys: A review
E Gerashi, R Alizadeh, TG Langdon
Journal of Magnesium and Alloys, 2022
An analysis of (the lack of) slip transfer between near-cube oriented grains in pure Al
TR Bieler, R Alizadeh, M Peña-Ortega, J Llorca
International Journal of Plasticity 118, 269-290, 2019
Polymer/metal composite 3D porous bone tissue engineering scaffolds fabricated by additive manufacturing techniques: A review
M Mohammadi Zerankeshi, R Bakhshi, R Alizadeh
Bioprinting, 2022
Superplasticity of a nano-grained Mg–Gd–Y–Zr alloy processed by high-pressure torsion
R Alizadeh, R Mahmudi, AHW Ngan, Y Huang, TG Langdon
Materials Science and Engineering: A 651, 786-794, 2016
Evaluating high-temperature mechanical behavior of cast Mg–4Zn–xSb magnesium alloys by shear punch testing
R Alizadeh, R Mahmudi
Materials Science and Engineering: A 527 (16-17), 3975-3983, 2010
Effect of solute content and temperature on the deformation mechanisms and critical resolved shear stress in Mg-Al and Mg-Zn alloys
JY Wang, N Li, R Alizadeh, MA Monclús, YW Cui, JM Molina-Aldareguía, ...
Acta Materialia 170, 155-165, 2019
Effect of slip transmission at grain boundaries in Al bicrystals
sarra Haouala, R Alizadeh, T Bieler, J Segurado, J LLorca
International Journal of Plasticity, 2019
Effects of heat treatment on the corrosion behavior and mechanical properties of biodegradable Mg alloys
MM Zerankeshi, R Alizadeh, E Gerashi, M Asadollahi, TG Langdon
Journal of Magnesium and Alloys 10 (7), 1737-1785, 2022
Interactions between basal dislocations and β1′ precipitates in Mg–4Zn alloy: Mechanisms and strengthening
R Alizadeh, J LLorca
Acta Materialia 186, 475-486, 2020
A criterion for slip transfer at grain boundaries in Al
R Alizadeh, M Peña-Ortega, TR Bieler, J LLorca
Scripta Materialia 178, 408-412, 2020
An unusual extrusion texture in Mg–Gd–Y–Zr alloys
R Alizadeh, R Mahmudi, AHW Ngan, TG Langdon
Advanced Engineering Materials 18 (6), 1044-1049, 2016
Effects of Sb addition on the modification of Mg2Si particles and high-temperature mechanical properties of cast Mg–4Zn–2Si alloy
R Alizadeh, R Mahmudi
Journal of alloys and compounds 509 (37), 9195-9199, 2011
Microstructural evolution and superplasticity in an Mg–Gd–Y–Zr alloy after processing by different SPD techniques
R Alizadeh, R Mahmudi, PHR Pereira, Y Huang, TG Langdon
Materials Science and Engineering: A 682, 577-585, 2017
Microstructural stability and grain growth kinetics in an extruded fine-grained Mg–Gd–Y–Zr alloy
R Alizadeh, R Mahmudi, AHW Ngan, TG Langdon
Journal of Materials Science 50, 4940-4951, 2015
Enhanced bone tissue regeneration using a 3D‑printed poly(lactic acid)/Ti6Al4V composite scaffold with plasma treatment modification
M Zarei, MS Dargah, MH Azar, R Alizadeh, FS Mahdavi, SS Sayedain, ...
Scientific Reports, 2023
Superplasticity of a fine-grained Mg–9Gd–4Y–0.4 Zr alloy evaluated using shear punch testing
R Alizadeh, R Mahmudi, TG Langdon
Journal of Materials Research and Technology 3 (3), 228-232, 2014
Developing a novel technique for the fabrication of PLA-graphite composite filaments using FDM 3D printing process
MM Zerankeshi, SS Sayedain, M Tavangarifard, R Alizadeh
Ceramics International 48 (21), 31850-31858, 2022
Effect of Sb additions on the microstructural stability and mechanical properties of cast Mg–4Zn alloy
R Alizadeh, R Mahmudi
Materials Science and Engineering: A 527 (20), 5312-5317, 2010
Microstructure, texture, and superplasticity of a fine-grained Mg-Gd-Zr alloy processed by equal-channel angular pressing
R Alizadeh, R Mahmudi, AHW Ngan, PHR Pereira, Y Huang, TG Langdon
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 47, 6056-6069, 2016
Enhanced superplasticity in equal-channel angularly pressed Sn–5Sb alloy
R Mahmudi, R Alizadeh, AR Geranmayeh
Scripta Materialia 64 (6), 521-524, 2011
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