Dmitri Zaykin
Dmitri Zaykin
Biostatistics; NIH / NIEHS
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Genetic data analysis: computer program for the analysis of allelic data. Version 1.0 (d16c)
PO Lewis
http://lewis. eeb. uconn. edu/lewishome/software. html, 2001
Testing association of statistically inferred haplotypes with discrete and continuous traits in samples of unrelated individuals
DV Zaykin, PH Westfall, SS Young, M Karnoub, MJ Wagner, MG Ehm
Hum Hered 53, 79-91, 2002
Truncated product method for combining P‐values
DV Zaykin, LA Zhivotovsky, PH Westfall, BS Weir
Genetic Epidemiology: The Official Publication of the International Genetic …, 2002
Genetically determined P2X7 receptor pore formation regulates variability in chronic pain sensitivity
RE Sorge, T Trang, R Dorfman, SB Smith, S Beggs, J Ritchie, JS Austin, ...
Nature medicine 18 (4), 595-599, 2012
Two programs to estimate significance of χ2 values using pseudo-probability tests.
DV Zaykin, AI Pudovkin
Pain perception is altered by a nucleotide polymorphism in SCN9A
F Reimann, JJ Cox, I Belfer, L Diatchenko, DV Zaykin, DP McHale, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107 (11), 5148-5153, 2010
On the potential for estimating the effective number of breeders from heterozygote-excess in progeny
AI Pudovkin, DV Zaykin, D Hedgecock
Genetics 144 (1), 383-387, 1996
Optimally weighted Z‐test is a powerful method for combining probabilities in meta‐analysis
DV Zaykin
Journal of evolutionary biology 24 (8), 1836-1841, 2011
Multiple chronic pain states are associated with a common amino acid–changing allele in KCNS1
M Costigan, I Belfer, RS Griffin, F Dai, LB Barrett, G Coppola, T Wu, ...
Brain 133 (9), 2519-2527, 2010
Potential genetic risk factors for chronic TMD: genetic associations from the OPPERA case control study
SB Smith, DW Maixner, JD Greenspan, R Dubner, RB Fillingim, ...
The Journal of Pain 12 (11), T92-T101, 2011
Exact tests for association between alleles at arbitrary numbers of loci
D Zaykin, L Zhivotovsky, BS Weir
Human identification: the use of DNA markers, 169-178, 1995
DOMINE: a comprehensive collection of known and predicted domain-domain interactions
S Yellaboina, A Tasneem, DV Zaykin, B Raghavachari, R Jothi
Nucleic acids research 39 (suppl 1), D730, 2011
Selection of genetic markers for association analyses, using linkage disequilibrium and haplotypes
Z Meng, DV Zaykin, CF Xu, M Wagner, MG Ehm
The American Journal of Human Genetics 73 (1), 115-130, 2003
Expansion of the human μ-opioid receptor gene architecture: novel functional variants
SA Shabalina, DV Zaykin, P Gris, AY Ogurtsov, J Gauthier, K Shibata, ...
Human molecular genetics 18 (6), 1037-1051, 2009
Large candidate gene association study reveals genetic risk factors and therapeutic targets for fibromyalgia
SB Smith, DW Maixner, RB Fillingim, G Slade, RH Gracely, K Ambrose, ...
Arthritis & Rheumatism 64 (2), 584-593, 2012
Epiregulin and EGFR interactions are involved in pain processing
LJ Martin, SB Smith, A Khoutorsky, CA Magnussen, A Samoshkin, ...
The Journal of clinical investigation 127 (9), 3353-3366, 2017
Ranks of genuine associations in whole-genome scans
DV Zaykin, LA Zhivotovsky
Genetics 171 (2), 813-823, 2005
Effectiveness of computational methods in haplotype prediction
CF Xu, K Lewis, KL Cantone, P Khan, C Donnelly, N White, N Crocker, ...
Human genetics 110, 148-156, 2002
Multiple tests for genetic effects in association studies
PH Westfall, DV Zaykin, SS Young
Biostatistical methods, 143-168, 2002
Contrasting linkage-disequilibrium patterns between cases and controls as a novel association-mapping method
DV Zaykin, Z Meng, MG Ehm
The American Journal of Human Genetics 78 (5), 737-746, 2006
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Articles 1–20