Дмитрий Гузатов (Dmitry Guzatov)
Дмитрий Гузатов (Dmitry Guzatov)
Другие именаDmitry V. Guzatov
Гродненский государственный университет имени Янки Купалы (Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno)
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Active magneto-plasmonics in hybrid metal–ferromagnet structures
VV Temnov, G Armelles, U Woggon, D Guzatov, A Cebollada, ...
Nature Photonics 4 (2), 107-111, 2010
Photoacoustic imaging of living mouse brain vasculature using hollow gold nanospheres
W Lu, Q Huang, G Ku, X Wen, M Zhou, D Guzatov, P Brecht, R Su, ...
Biomaterials 31 (9), 2617-2626, 2010
Plasmonic enhancement of molecular fluorescence near silver nanoparticles: theory, modeling, and experiment
DV Guzatov, SV Vaschenko, VV Stankevich, AY Lunevich, YF Glukhov, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 116 (19), 10723-10733, 2012
Nonresonant surface-enhanced Raman scattering of ZnO quantum dots with Au and Ag nanoparticles
A Rumyantseva, S Kostcheev, PM Adam, SV Gaponenko, SV Vaschenko, ...
ACS nano 7 (4), 3420-3426, 2013
Strongly localized plasmon oscillations in a cluster of two metallic nanospheres and their influence on spontaneous emission of an atom
VV Klimov, DV Guzatov
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 75 (2), 024303, 2007
Radiative decay engineering by triaxial nanoellipsoids
DV Guzatov, VV Klimov
Chemical physics letters 412 (4-6), 341-346, 2005
Plasmonic atoms and plasmonic molecules
VV Klimov, DV Guzatov
Applied Physics A 89, 305-314, 2007
Acoustic signals generated by laser-irradiated metal nanoparticles
S Egerev, S Ermilov, O Ovchinnikov, A Fokin, D Guzatov, V Klimov, ...
Applied optics 48 (7), C38-C45, 2009
Engineering of radiation of optically active molecules with chiral nano-meta-particles
VV Klimov, DV Guzatov, M Ducloy
Europhysics Letters 97 (4), 47004, 2012
Possible rationale for ultimate enhancement factor in single molecule Raman spectroscopy
SV Gaponenko, DV Guzatov
Chemical Physics Letters 477 (4-6), 411-414, 2009
Optical properties of an atom in the presence of a two-nanosphere cluster
VV Klimov, DV Guzatov
Quantum electronics 37 (3), 209, 2007
Optical properties of a plasmonic nano-antenna: an analytical approach
DV Guzatov, VV Klimov
New Journal of Physics 13 (5), 053034, 2011
Eigen oscillations of a chiral sphere and their influence on radiation of chiral molecules
VV Klimov, IV Zabkov, AA Pavlov, DV Guzatov
Optics Express 22 (15), 18564-18578, 2014
Singular and chiral nanoplasmonics
S Boriskina, NI Zheludev
CRC Press, 2014
Plasmon-enhanced fluorescence in gold nanorod-quantum dot coupled systems
L Trotsiuk, A Muravitskaya, O Kulakovich, D Guzatov, A Ramanenka, ...
Nanotechnology 31 (10), 105201, 2019
Plasmon oscillations in ellipsoid nanoparticles: Beyond dipole approximation
DV Guzatov, VV Klimov, MY Pikhota
Laser Physics 20, 85-99, 2010
Enhancement of Raman scattering of light by ultramarine microcrystals in presence of silver nanoparticles
EV Klyachkovskaya, DV Guzatov, ND Strekal, SV Vaschenko, ...
Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 43 (6), 741-744, 2012
Colloidal plasmonics for active nanophotonics
SV Gaponenko, DV Guzatov
Proceedings of the IEEE 108 (5), 704-720, 2020
The influence of chiral spherical particles on the radiation of optically active molecules
DV Guzatov, VV Klimov
New Journal of Physics 14 (12), 123009, 2012
Plasmon resonance in ellipsoidal nanoparticles with shells
DV Guzatov, AA Oraevsky, AN Oraevsky
Quantum Electronics 33 (9), 817, 2003
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