Nadia Giovanna Boetti
Nadia Giovanna Boetti
LINKS foundation
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Concentration quenching in an Er-doped phosphate glass for compact optical lasers and amplifiers
D Pugliese, NG Boetti, J Lousteau, E Ceci-Ginistrelli, E Bertone, ...
Journal of Alloys and compounds 657, 678-683, 2016
Highly doped phosphate glass fibers for compact lasers and amplifiers: a review
NG Boetti, D Pugliese, E Ceci-Ginistrelli, J Lousteau, D Janner, ...
Applied Sciences 7 (12), 1295, 2017
Novel biocompatible and resorbable UV-transparent phosphate glass based optical fiber
E Ceci-Ginistrelli, D Pugliese, NG Boetti, G Novajra, A Ambrosone, ...
Optical Materials Express 6 (6), 2040-2051, 2016
Thermal stability and spectroscopic properties of erbium-doped niobic-tungsten–tellurite glasses for laser and amplifier devices
NG Boetti, J Lousteau, A Chiasera, M Ferrari, E Mura, GC Scarpignato, ...
Journal of Luminescence 132 (5), 1265-1269, 2012
Processing and characterization of novel borophosphate glasses and fibers for medical applications
J Massera, Y Shpotyuk, F Sabatier, T Jouan, C Boussard-Plédel, ...
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 425, 52-60, 2015
High concentration Yb-Er co-doped phosphate glass for optical fiber amplification
NG Boetti, GC Scarpignato, J Lousteau, D Pugliese, L Bastard, ...
Journal of Optics 17 (6), 065705, 2015
Effect of the addition of Al2O3, TiO2 and ZnO on the thermal, structural and luminescence properties of Er3+-doped phosphate glasses
P Lopez-Iscoa, L Petit, J Massera, D Janner, NG Boetti, D Pugliese, ...
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 460, 161-168, 2017
Analysis of Faraday effect in multimode tellurite glass optical fiber for magneto-optical sensing and monitoring applications
Y Shiyu, J Lousteau, M Olivero, M Merlo, N Boetti, S Abrate, Q Chen, ...
Applied Optics 51 (19), 4542-4546, 2012
and Codoped Tellurite Optical Fiber for Lasers and Amplifiers in the Near-Infrared Wavelength Region: Fabrication, Optical Characterization, and Prospects
J Lousteau, NG Boetti, A Chiasera, M Ferrari, S Abrate, G Scarciglia, ...
IEEE Photonics Journal 4 (1), 194-204, 2012
Luminescence of Er3+ doped oxyfluoride phosphate glasses and glass-ceramics
A Nommeots-Nomm, NG Boetti, T Salminen, J Massera, M Hokka, L Petit
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 751, 224-230, 2018
Fiber optic sensors for harsh and high radiation environments in aerospace applications
A Rovera, A Tancau, N Boetti, MDL Dalla Vedova, P Maggiore, D Janner
Sensors 23 (5), 2512, 2023
Nd-doped phosphate glass cane laser: From materials fabrication to power scaling tests
E Ceci-Ginistrelli, C Smith, D Pugliese, J Lousteau, NG Boetti, ...
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 722, 599-605, 2017
Bioresorbable optical fiber Bragg gratings
D Pugliese, M Konstantaki, I Konidakis, E Ceci-Ginistrelli, NG Boetti, ...
Optics Letters 43 (4), 671-674, 2018
Towards the use of bioresorbable fibers in time‐domain diffuse optics
L Di Sieno, NG Boetti, A Dalla Mora, D Pugliese, A Farina, ...
Journal of Biophotonics 11 (1), e201600275, 2018
Mechanical properties of resorbable calcium-phosphate glass optical fiber and capillaries
VM Sglavo, D Pugliese, F Sartori, NG Boetti, E Ceci-Ginistrelli, G Franco, ...
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 778, 410-417, 2019
Spectroscopic investigation of Nd3+ single doped and Eu3+/Nd3+ co-doped phosphate glass for solar pumped lasers
NG Boetti, D Negro, J Lousteau, FS Freyria, B Bonelli, S Abrate, ...
Journal of non-crystalline solids 377, 100-104, 2013
In vivo testing of a bioresorbable phosphate‐based optical fiber
O Podrazký, P Peterka, I Kašík, S Vytykáčová, J Proboštová, J Mrázek, ...
Journal of Biophotonics 12 (7), e201800397, 2019
Photonic bandgap confinement in an all-solid<? A3B2 show [pmg: line-break justify=" yes"/]?> tellurite-glass photonic crystal fiber
J Lousteau, G Scarpignato, GS Athanasiou, E Mura, N Boetti, ABM Olivero, ...
Optics Letters 37 (23), 4922-4924, 2012
Energy level decay processes in Ho3+-doped tellurite glass relevant to the 3 μm transition
L Gomes, D Milanese, J Lousteau, N Boetti, SD Jackson
Journal of Applied Physics 109 (10), 2011
Drug release kinetics from biodegradable UV-transparent hollow calcium-phosphate glass fibers
E Ceci-Ginistrelli, C Pontremoli, D Pugliese, N Barbero, NG Boetti, ...
Materials Letters 191, 116-118, 2017
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