David Blázquez-sanz
David Blázquez-sanz
Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Medellín
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Non-integrability of some hamiltonians with rational potentials
P Acosta-Humánez, D Blázquez-Sanz
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series B 10 (2/3), 265 - 293, 2008
Non-integrability Criterium for Normal Variational Equations around an integrable Subsystem and an example: The Wilbeforce spring-pendulum
PB Acosta-Humánez, D Blázquez-Sanz, J Delgado
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series A 33 (3), 965 - 986, 2011
A differential approach to the Ax-Schanuel, I
D Blázquez-Sanz, G Casale, J Freitag, J Nagloo
arXiv preprint arXiv:2102.03384, 2021
Differential Galois theory of algebraic Lie-Vessiot systems
D Blázquez-Sanz, JJ Morales-Ruiz
Differential Algebra, Complex Analysis and Orthogonal Polynomials, Contemp …, 2010
Differential Galois Theory and Lie-Vessiot Systems
DB Sanz
VDM publishing, 2008
Analytic and algebraic conditions for bifurcations of homoclinic orbits I: Saddle equilibria
D Blázquez-Sanz, K Yagasaki
Journal of Differential Equations 253 (11), 2916-2950, 2012
Local and global aspects of Lie's superposition theorem
D Blázquez-Sanz, JJ Morales-Ruiz
Journal of Lie Theory 20 (3), 483--517, 2009
On Hamiltonian potentials with quartic polynomial normal variational equations
PB Acosta-Humanez, D Blazquez-Sanz, CV Contreras
Nonlinear Studies 16 (3), 299-314, 2009
Parallelisms & lie connections
D Blázquez-Sanz, G Casale
SIGMA. Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications 13, 086, 2017
Hamiltonian system and variational equations with polynomial coefficients
PB Acosta-Humánez, D Blázquez-Sanz
Dynamic systems and applications, Dynamic, Atlanta, GA 5, 6-10, 2008
Lie's reduction method and differential Galois theory in the complex analytic context
D Blázquez-Sanz, JJ Morales-Ruiz
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series A 32 (2), 353 - 379, 2009
A note on the Darboux theory of integrability of non-autonomous polynomial differential systems
D Blázquez-Sanz, C Pantazi
Nonlinearity 25 (9), 2615, 2012
Some functional transcendence results around the Schwarzian differential equation.
D Blázquez-Sanz, G Casale, J Freitag, J Nagloo
Annales de la Faculté des sciences de Toulouse: Mathématiques 29 (5), 1265-1300, 2020
Galoisian approach for a Sturm-Liouville problem on the infinite interval
D Blázquez-Sanz, K Yagasaki
Methods and Applications of Analysis 19 (3), 267-288, 2012
The only global contact transformations of order two or more are point transformations
RJ Alonso-Blanco, D Blázquez-Sanz
Journal of Lie Theory 15 (1), 135-143, 2005
Differential Galois theory of algebraic Lie-Vessiot systems, Differential algebra, complex analysis and orthogonal polynomials, 1–58
D Blázquez-Sanz, JJ Morales-Ruiz
Contemp. Math 509, 0
Differential Galois theory and Lie symmetries
D Blázquez-Sanz, JJ Morales-Ruiz, JA Weil
SIGMA. Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications 11, 092, 2015
Liouvillian solutions for second order linear differential equations with polynomial coefficients
PB Acosta-Humánez, D Blázquez-Sanz, H Venegas-Gómez
São Paulo Journal of Mathematical Sciences 15, 617-636, 2021
Some functional transcendence results around the Schwarzian differential equation
D Blázquez-Sanz, G Casale, J Freitag, J Nagloo
arXiv preprint arXiv:1912.09963, 2019
Algunos aspectos matemáticos de la obra de Salvador Dalí
D Blázquez-Sanz, LFJ Buitrago
Revista de la Facultad de Ciencias 5 (1), 38-60, 2016
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Articles 1–20