Sebastian Boblest
Sebastian Boblest
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Simulation of real gas effects in supersonic methane jets using a tabulated equation of state with a discontinuous Galerkin spectral element method
F Hempert, S Boblest, T Ertl, F Sadlo, P Offenhäuser, CW Glass, ...
Computers & Fluids 145, 167-179, 2017
Space‐time bifurcation lines for extraction of 2D Lagrangian coherent structures
G Machado, S Boblest, T Ertl, F Sadlo
Computer Graphics Forum 35 (3), 91-100, 2016
Spezielle und allgemeine Relativitätstheorie
S Boblest, T Müller, G Wunner
Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2016
Ground states of helium to neon and their ions in strong magnetic fields
S Boblest, C Schimeczek, G Wunner
Physical Review A 89 (1), 012505, 2014
Atomic ground states in strong magnetic fields: Electron configurations and energy levels
C Schimeczek, S Boblest, D Meyer, G Wunner
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 88 (1), 012509, 2013
Twin paradox in de Sitter spacetime
S Boblest, T Müller, G Wunner
European journal of physics 32 (5), 1117, 2011
Visualizing circular motion around a Schwarzschild black hole
T Müller, S Boblest
American Journal of Physics 79 (1), 63-73, 2011
Fixed-phase correlation-function quantum Monte Carlo calculations for ground and excited states of helium in neutron-star magnetic fields
D Meyer, S Boblest, G Wunner
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 87 (3), 032515, 2013
Visual appearance of wireframe objects in special relativity
T Müller, S Boblest
European Journal of Physics 35 (6), 065025, 2014
Unpaired high-resolution and scalable style transfer using generative adversarial networks
A Junginger, M Hanselmann, T Strauss, S Boblest, J Buchner, H Ulmer
arXiv preprint arXiv:1810.05724, 2018
A robust high-order discontinuous galerkin solver for fluid flow with cavitation
M Hoffmann, S Boblest, P Offenhäuser, CD Munz
Ninth International Conference on ICCFD9-196 Computational Fluid Dynamics …, 2016
Visual analysis of interface deformation in multiphase flow
A Straub, GK Karch, S Boblest, J Kaufmann, F Sadlo, B Weigand, T Ertl
Proceedings of the DIPSI Workshop, 45-47, 2018
Toward a discontinuous galerkin fluid dynamics framework for industrial applications
S Boblest, F Hempert, M Hoffmann, P Offenhäuser, M Sonntag, F Sadlo, ...
High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering´ 15: Transactions of …, 2016
Visualization of feature separation in advected scalar fields
GK Karch, F Sadlo, S Boblest, M Ertl, B Weigand, K Gaither, T Ertl
arXiv preprint arXiv:1705.05138, 2017
High-Pressure Real-Gas Jet and Throttle Flow as a Simplified Gas Injector Model Using a Discontinuous Galerkin Method
F Hempert, S Boblest, M Hoffmann, P Offenhäuser, F Sadlo, CW Glass, ...
High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering´ 16: Transactions of …, 2016
Visualization Showcase: General-Relativistic Black Hole Visualization.
T Müller, S Boblest, D Weiskopf
EGPGV@ EuroVis, 29-32, 2015
Visualization of 2DWave Propagation by Huygens' Principle.
S Heßel, O Fernandes, S Boblest, P Offenhäuser, M Hoffmann, A Beck, ...
EGPGV@ EuroVis, 19-28, 2015
Droplet-Local Line Integration for Multiphase Flow
A Straub, S Boblest, GK Karch, F Sadlo, T Ertl
2022 IEEE Visualization and Visual Analytics (VIS), 135-139, 2022
An Artificial-Intelligence-Based Method to Automatically Create Interpretable Models from Data Targeting Embedded Control Applications
JS Buchner, S Boblest, P Engel, A Junginger, H Ulmer
IFAC-PapersOnLine 53 (2), 13789-13796, 2020
Monte-Carlo-Studien für neutrale Atome und Ionen in starken Magnetfeldern
S Boblest
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