Marina Balakhontceva
Marina Balakhontceva
ITMO University
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Cited by
Multi-agent simulation of passenger evacuation considering ship motions
M Balakhontceva, V Karbovskii, D Rybokonenko, A Boukhanovsky
Procedia Computer Science 66, 140-149, 2015
Hybrid evolutionary workflow scheduling algorithm for dynamic heterogeneous distributed computational environment
D Nasonov, N Butakov, M Balakhontseva, K Knyazkov, AV Boukhanovsky
International Joint Conference SOCO’14-CISIS’14-ICEUTE’14: Bilbao, Spain …, 2014
Multi-agent simulation of passenger evacuation from a damaged ship under storm conditions
M Balakhontceva, V Karbovskii, S Sutulo, A Boukhanovsky
Procedia computer science 80, 2455-2464, 2016
Towards a simulation-based framework for decision support in healthcare quality assessment
I Kisliakovskii, M Balakhontceva, S Kovalchuk, N Zvartau, A Konradi
Procedia computer science 119, 207-214, 2017
Human computer interaction during clinical decision support with electronic health records improvement
KV Bolgova, SV Kovalchuk, MA Balakhontceva, NE Zvartau, OG Metsker
Research Anthology on Decision Support Systems and Decision Management in …, 2021
Intelligent approach for heterogeneous data integration: Information processes analysis engine in clinical remote monitoring systems
M Khovrichev, L Elkhovskaya, V Fonin, M Balakhontceva
Procedia Computer Science 156, 134-141, 2019
Holistic modeling of chronic diseases for recommendation elaboration and decision making
MA Balakhontceva, AA Funkner, AA Semakova, OG Metsker, NE Zvartau, ...
Procedia computer science 138, 228-237, 2018
Extending process discovery with model complexity optimization and cyclic states identification: Application to healthcare processes
LO Elkhovskaya, AD Kshenin, MA Balakhontceva, MV Ionov, ...
Algorithms 16 (1), 57, 2023
Agent-based modeling of crowd dynamics on a moving platform
D Rybokonenko, M Balakhontceva, D Voloshin, V Karbovskii
Procedia Computer Science 66, 317-327, 2015
Towards a framework for simulation-based evaluation of personal decision support systems for flood evacuation
K Knyazkov, M Balakhontceva, S Ivanov
14th SGEM GeoConference on Informatics, Geoinformatics and Remote Sensing …, 2014
Personalized assistance for patients with chronic diseases through multi-level distributed healthcare process assessment
L Elkhovskaya, M Kabyshev, A Funkner, M Balakhontceva, V Fonin, ...
pHealth 2019, 309-312, 2019
Multiscale modeling of comorbidity relations in hypertensive outpatients
N Bukhanov, M Balakhontceva, S Kovalchuk, N Zvartau, A Konradi
Procedia computer science 121, 446-450, 2017
Improving electronic medical records with support of human computer interaction in medical information systems
EV Bolgva, NE Zvartau, SV Kovalchuk, MA Balakhontceva, OG Metsker
Procedia computer science 121, 469-474, 2017
Clustering of comorbidities based on conditional probabilities of diseases in hypertensive patients.
NV Bukhanov, M Balakhontceva, AV Krikunov, A Sabirov, A Semakova, ...
ICCS, 2478-2487, 2017
Evaluating sequence-to-sequence models for simulating medical staff mobility on time
MA Khovrichev, MA Balakhontceva, MV Ionov
Procedia Computer Science 136, 425-432, 2018
Computational Science through the Eyes of Youth: The Foreword
A Boukhanovsky, M Bubak, M Balakhontseva, A Bilyatdinova
Procedia Computer Science 101, 1-3, 2016
Implementation of a clinical decision support system to improve the medical data quality for hypertensive patients
MV Ionov, EV Bolgova, E Zvartau Nadezhda, NG Avdonina, ...
Journal Scientific and Technical Of Information Technologies, Mechanics and …, 2022
Holistic monitoring and analysis of healthcare processes through public internet data collection
OG Metsker, SA Sikorskiy, AA Semakova, AV Krikunov, ...
Internet Science: INSCI 2018 International Workshops, St. Petersburg, Russia …, 2019
Simulation, analysis, and prediction of medical care processes for cardiological in-patients
TM Abuhay, SV Kovalchuk, MA Balakhontceva, AV Boukhanovsky
Izv. vysših učebnyh Zaved. Priborostr, 730-733, 2018
Modeling comorbidity relationships for arterial hypertension patients based on Bayesian networks
VV Elyutin, MA Balakhontceva, NE Zvartau
Procedia computer science 138, 238-243, 2018
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Articles 1–20