Arjan Durresi
Cited by
Cited by
Throughput fairness index: An explanation
R Jain, A Durresi, G Babic
ATM Forum contribution 99 (45), 1-13, 1999
Trustworthy artificial intelligence: a review
D Kaur, S Uslu, KJ Rittichier, A Durresi
ACM computing surveys (CSUR) 55 (2), 1-38, 2022
Quality of service (QoS) in software defined networking (SDN): A survey
M Karakus, A Durresi
Journal of Network and Computer Applications 80, 200-218, 2017
A survey: Control plane scalability issues and approaches in software-defined networking (SDN)
M Karakus, A Durresi
Computer Networks 112, 279-293, 2017
Emergency broadcast protocol for inter-vehicle communications
M Durresi, A Durresi, L Barolli
11th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS'05 …, 2005
Using Twitter trust network for stock market analysis
Y Ruan, A Durresi, L Alfantoukh
Knowledge-Based Systems 145, 207-218, 2018
A survey of trust management systems for online social communities–trust modeling, trust inference and attacks
Y Ruan, A Durresi
Knowledge-Based Systems 106, 150-163, 2016
Random asynchronous wakeup protocol for sensor networks
V Paruchuri, S Basavaraju, A Durresi, R Kannan, SS Iyengar
First International Conference on Broadband Networks, 710-717, 2004
Simulating wireless sensor networks with omnet++
C Mallanda, A Suri, V Kunchakarra, SS Iyengar, R Kannan, A Durresi, ...
submitted to IEEE Computer, 2005
Optimized broadcast protocol for sensor networks
A Durresi, VK Paruchuri, SS Iyengar, R Kannan
IEEE transactions on Computers 54 (8), 1013-1024, 2005
Performance analysis of OLSR and BATMAN protocols considering link quality parameter
L Barolli, M Ikeda, G De Marco, A Durresi, F Xhafa
2009 International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and …, 2009
Batch mode scheduling in grid systems
F Xhafa, L Barolli, A Durresi
International Journal of Web and Grid Services 3 (1), 19-37, 2007
Effect of number of drop precedences in assured forwarding
M Goyal, A Durresi, P Misra, C Liu, R Jain
Seamless Interconnection for Universal Services. Global Telecommunications …, 1999
A web-based e-learning system for increasing study efficiency by stimulating learner’s motivation
L Barolli, A Koyama, A Durresi, G De Marco
Information Systems Frontiers 8, 297-306, 2006
An experimental study on genetic algorithms for resource allocation on grid systems
F Xhafa, L Barolli, A Durresi
Journal of Interconnection Networks 8 (04), 427-443, 2007
Delay-energy aware routing protocol for sensor and actor networks
A Durresi, V Paruchuri, L Barolli
11th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS'05 …, 2005
Requirements for trustworthy artificial intelligence–a review
D Kaur, S Uslu, A Durresi
Advances in Networked-Based Information Systems: The 23rd International …, 2021
Video over software-defined networking (vsdn)
H Owens II, A Durresi
Computer Networks 92, 341-356, 2015
A cluster head selection method for wireless sensor networks based on fuzzy logic
J Anno, L Barolli, F Xhafa, A Durresi
TENCON 2007-2007 IEEE Region 10 Conference, 1-4, 2007
Cloud computing: networking and communication challenges
A Mishra, R Jain, A Durresi
IEEE Communications Magazine 50 (9), 24-25, 2012
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Articles 1–20