vassilis prevelakis
vassilis prevelakis
Guest Professor of Computer Security, TU Braunschweig
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Countering code-injection attacks with instruction-set randomization
GS Kc, AD Keromytis, V Prevelakis
Proceedings of the 10th ACM conference on Computer and communications …, 2003
The athens affair
V Prevelakis, D Spinellis
Ieee Spectrum 44 (7), 26-33, 2007
Sandboxing Applications.
V Prevelakis, D Spinellis
USENIX Annual Technical Conference, FREENIX Track, 119-126, 2001
On the general applicability of instruction-set randomization
SW Boyd, GS Kc, ME Locasto, AD Keromytis, V Prevelakis
IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing 7 (3), 255-270, 2008
Fileteller: Paying and getting paid for file storage
J Ioannidis, S Ioannidis, AD Keromytis, V Prevelakis
Financial Cryptography: 6th International Conference, FC 2002 Southampton …, 2003
Decentralized access control in distributed file systems
S Miltchev, JM Smith, V Prevelakis, A Keromytis, S Ioannidis
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 40 (3), 1-30, 2008
Drop‐in security for distributed and portable computing elements
V Prevelakis, A Keromytis
Internet Research 13 (2), 107-115, 2003
Characterizing the'security vulnerability likelihood'of software functions
D DaCosta, C Dahn, S Mancoridis, V Prevelakis
International Conference on Software Maintenance, 2003. ICSM 2003 …, 2003
Secure and flexible global file sharing
S Miltchev, V Prevelakis, S Ioannidis, J Ioannidis, AD Keromytis, JM Smith
A secure station for network monitoring and control
V Prevelakis
Proceedings of 8th USENIX SECURITY Conference, 101-109, 1999
SEEMQTT: secure end-to-end MQTT-based communication for mobile IoT systems using secret sharing and trust delegation
M Hamad, A Finkenzeller, H Liu, J Lauinger, V Prevelakis, S Steinhorst
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 10 (4), 3384-3406, 2022
SAVTA: A hybrid vehicular threat model: Overview and case study
M Hamad, V Prevelakis
Information 11 (5), 273, 2020
Attack-tree-based Threat Modeling of Medical Implants.
MA Siddiqi, RM Seepers, M Hamad, V Prevelakis, C Strydis
PROOFS, 32-49, 2018
Towards comprehensive threat modeling for vehicles
M Hamad, M Nolte, V Prevelakis
the 1st Workshop on Security and Dependability of Critical Embedded Real …, 2016
Tapi: Transactions for accessing public infrastructure
M Blaze, J Ioannidis, S Ioannidis, AD Keromytis, P Nikander, V Prevelakis
Personal Wireless Communications: IFIP-TC6 8th International Conference, PWC …, 2003
Prediction of abnormal temporal behavior in real-time systems
M Hamad, ZAH Hammadeh, S Saidi, V Prevelakis, R Ernst
Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 359-367, 2018
A communication framework for distributed access control in microkernel-based systems
M Hamad, J Schlatow, V Prevelakis, R Ernst
12th Annual Workshop on Operating Systems Platforms for Embedded Real-Time …, 2016
Red-Zone: Towards an Intrusion Response Framework for Intra-vehicle System.
M Hamad, M Tsantekidis, V Prevelakis
VEHITS, 148-158, 2019
Designing an Embedded Firewall/VPN Gateway
V Prevelakis, AD Keromytis
A framework for policy based secure intra vehicle communication
M Hamad, M Nolte, V Prevelakis
2017 IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference (VNC), 1-8, 2017
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Articles 1–20