Luci Pirmez
Luci Pirmez
Pesquisador do PPGI Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeira
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Cited by
System modelling and performance evaluation of a three-tier cloud of things
W Li, I Santos, FC Delicato, PF Pires, L Pirmez, W Wei, H Song, A Zomaya, ...
Future Generation Computer Systems 70, 104-125, 2017
Efficient allocation of resources in multiple heterogeneous wireless sensor networks
W Li, FC Delicato, PF Pires, YC Lee, AY Zomaya, C Miceli, L Pirmez
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 74 (1), 1775-1788, 2014
Intrusion detection system for wireless sensor networks using danger theory immune-inspired techniques
HM Salmon, CM De Farias, P Loureiro, L Pirmez, S Rossetto, ...
International journal of wireless information networks 20, 39-66, 2013
A systematic review of shared sensor networks
CMD Farias, W Li, FC Delicato, L Pirmez, AY Zomaya, PF Pires, ...
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 48 (4), 1-50, 2016
Micael: An autonomous mobile agent system to protect new generation networked applications
JD De Queiroz, LFR da Costa Carmo, L Pirmez
2nd annual workshop on Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection, 1999
WSNs clustering based on semantic neighborhood relationships
AR Rocha, L Pirmez, FC Delicato, É Lemos, I Santos, DG Gomes, ...
Computer Networks 56 (5), 1627-1645, 2012
An efficient heuristic for selecting active nodes in wireless sensor networks
F Delicato, F Protti, L Pirmez, JF de Rezende
Computer Networks 50 (18), 3701-3720, 2006
Reflective middleware for wireless sensor networks
FC Delicato, PF Pires, L Rust, L Pirmez, JF de Rezende
Symposium on Applied Computing: Proceedings of the 2005 ACM symposium on …, 2005
A control and decision system for smart buildings using wireless sensor and actuator networks
C de Farias, H Soares, L Pirmez, F Delicato, I Santos, LF Carmo, ...
Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies 25 (1), 120-135, 2014
A service approach for architecting application independent wireless sensor networks
FC Delicato, PF Pires, L Pirmez, LFRDC Carmo
Cluster Computing 8 (2), 211-221, 2005
A localized algorithm for Structural Health Monitoring using wireless sensor networks
IL Dos Santos, L Pirmez, ÉT Lemos, FC Delicato, LAV Pinto, JN De Souza, ...
Information Fusion 15, 114-129, 2014
Damage prediction for wind turbines using wireless sensor and actuator networks
MM Alves, L Pirmez, S Rossetto, FC Delicato, CM de Farias, PF Pires, ...
Journal of Network and Computer Applications 80, 123-140, 2017
COMFIT: A development environment for the Internet of Things
CM De Farias, IC Brito, L Pirmez, FC Delicato, PF Pires, TC Rodrigues, ...
Future Generation Computer Systems 75, 128-144, 2017
Model-driven development of wireless sensor network applications
T Rodrigues, P Dantas, PF Pires, L Pirmez, T Batista, C Miceli, A Zomaya
2011 IFIP 9th International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing …, 2011
A multi-sensor data fusion technique using data correlations among multiple applications
CM De Farias, L Pirmez, G Fortino, A Guerrieri
Future generation computer systems 92, 109-118, 2019
Olympus: The cloud of sensors
IL Santos, L Pirmez, FC Delicato, SU Khan, AY Zomaya
IEEE Cloud Computing 2 (2), 48-56, 2015
PRISMA: A publish-subscribe and resource-oriented middleware for wireless sensor networks
JR Silva, FC Delicato, L Pirmez, PF Pires, JMT Portocarrero, ...
Proceedings of the tenth advanced international conference on …, 2014
SUTIL–Network selection based on utility function and integer linear programming
L Pirmez, JC Carvalho Jr, FC Delicato, F Protti, LFRC Carmo, PF Pires, ...
Computer Networks 54 (13), 2117-2136, 2010
Zeus: A resource allocation algorithm for the cloud of sensors
IL Santos, L Pirmez, FC Delicato, GM Oliveira, CM Farias, SU Khan, ...
Future Generation Computer Systems 92, 564-581, 2019
A semantic middleware for autonomic wireless sensor networks
AR da Rocha, FC Delicato, JN de Souza, DG Gomes, L Pirmez
Proceedings of the 2009 workshop on middleware for ubiquitous and pervasive …, 2009
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Articles 1–20