Santiago Escobar
Santiago Escobar
VRAIN Valencian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence. Universitat Politècnica de València
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Cited by
Maude-NPA: Cryptographic protocol analysis modulo equational properties
S Escobar, C Meadows, J Meseguer
International School on Foundations of Security Analysis and Design, 1-50, 2007
Maude manual (version 3.0)
M Clavel, F Durán, S Eker, S Escobar, P Lincoln, N Martí-Oliet, ...
SRI International, 2020
Folding variant narrowing and optimal variant termination
S Escobar, R Sasse, J Meseguer
The Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming 81 (7-8), 898-928, 2012
A rewriting-based inference system for the NRL protocol analyzer and its meta-logical properties
S Escobar, C Meadows, J Meseguer
Theoretical Computer Science 367 (1-2), 162-202, 2006
Symbolic model checking of infinite-state systems using narrowing
S Escobar, J Meseguer
International Conference on Rewriting Techniques and Applications, 153-168, 2007
Programming and symbolic computation in Maude
F Durán, S Eker, S Escobar, N Martí-Oliet, J Meseguer, R Rubio, C Talcott
Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming 110, 100497, 2020
Abstract logical model checking of infinite-state systems using narrowing
K Bae, S Escobar, J Meseguer
24th International Conference on Rewriting Techniques and Applications (RTA …, 2013
State space reduction in the Maude-NRL protocol analyzer
S Escobar, C Meadows, J Meseguer, S Santiago
Information and Computation 238, 157-186, 2014
Associative unification and symbolic reasoning modulo associativity in Maude
F Durán, S Eker, S Escobar, N Martí-Oliet, J Meseguer, C Talcott
Rewriting Logic and Its Applications: 12th International Workshop, WRLA 2018 …, 2018
A formal definition of protocol indistinguishability and its verification using Maude-NPA
S Santiago, S Escobar, C Meadows, J Meseguer
International Workshop on Security and Trust Management, 162-177, 2014
A modular order-sorted equational generalization algorithm
M Alpuente, S Escobar, J Espert, J Meseguer
Information and Computation 235, 98-136, 2014
Variant narrowing and equational unification
S Escobar, J Meseguer, R Sasse
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 238 (3), 103-119, 2009
Variants of variants and the finite variant property
A Cholewa, J Meseguer, S Escobar
Natural narrowing for general term rewriting systems
S Escobar, J Meseguer, P Thati
International Conference on Rewriting Techniques and Applications, 279-293, 2005
Effective symbolic protocol analysis via equational irreducibility conditions
S Erbatur, S Escobar, D Kapur, Z Liu, C Lynch, C Meadows, J Meseguer, ...
Computer Security–ESORICS 2012: 17th European Symposium on Research in …, 2012
: A High-Performance System for Modular ACU Generalization with Subtyping and Inheritance
M Alpuente, D Ballis, A Cuenca-Ortega, S Escobar, J Meseguer
European Conference on Logics in Artificial Intelligence, 171-181, 2019
Protocol analysis in Maude-NPA using unification modulo homomorphic encryption
S Escobar, D Kapur, C Lynch, C Meadows, J Meseguer, P Narendran, ...
Proceedings of the 13th international ACM SIGPLAN symposium on Principles …, 2011
On-demand evaluation for Maude
F Durán, S Escobar, S Lucas
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 124 (1), 25-39, 2005
Abstract diagnosis of functional programs
M Alpuente, M Comini, S Escobar, M Falaschi, S Lucas
International Workshop on Logic-Based Program Synthesis and Transformation, 1-16, 2002
Unification and narrowing in Maude 2.4
M Clavel, F Durán, S Eker, S Escobar, P Lincoln, N Martí-Oliet, ...
Rewriting Techniques and Applications: 20th International Conference, RTA …, 2009
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Articles 1–20