Amanda Chuan
Cited by
Cited by
“Feel the Warmth” glow: A field experiment on manipulating the act of giving
A Chuan, AS Samek
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 108, 198-211, 2014
Skills for the future? A life cycle perspective on systems of vocational education and training
A Chuan, CL Ibsen
ILR Review 75 (3), 638-664, 2022
Field study of charitable giving reveals that reciprocity decays over time
A Chuan, JB Kessler, KL Milkman
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115 (8), 1766-1771, 2018
Non-College Occupations, Workplace Routinization, and the Gender Gap in College Enrollment
A Chuan, W Zhang
IZA-Institute of Labor Economics, 2023
Parental investments in early childhood and the gender gap in math and literacy
A Chuan, JA List, A Samek, S Samujjwala
AEA Papers and Proceedings 112, 603-608, 2022
Do financial incentives aimed at decreasing interhousehold inequality increase intrahousehold inequality?
A Chuan, J List, A Samek
Journal of public economics 196, 104382, 2021
Skills for the Future? A Life Cycle Perspective on Systems of Vocational Education and Training. ILR Review, 75 (3), 638–664
A Chuan, CL Ibsen
The impact of oil and gas job opportunities during youth on human capital
A Chuan
Southern Economic Journal 89 (2), 406-439, 2022
How do Unions Raise Wages? Evidence from Danish Employer-Employee Linked Data
A Chuan, J Arnholtz, CL Ibsen
Evidence from Danish Employer-Employee Linked Data (June 7, 2023), 2023
Essays on human capital and altruism
A Chuan
University of Pennsylvania, 2018
Diversity statements can activate stereotype threat: evidence from a natural field experiment
A Chuan, A Johnson
Evaluating the Impact of Preschool on Patience, Time Inconsistency and Commitment Demand
A Chuan, A Samek, S Samujjwala
Time Inconsistency and Commitment Demand (January 23, 2024), 2024
Pay It Forward
A Chuan, H Zhang
DEI Statements Can Activate Stereotype Threat: Evidence from a Field Experiment
A Chuan, AS Johnson
2023 APPAM Fall Research Conference, 2023
Early Career Experiences: Factors Driving Initial Placements and Long-Term Outcomes
C Mulhern, O Stoddard, A Chuan, D Kavanagh-Smith
2023 APPAM Fall Research Conference, 2023
Pay It Forward: Theory and Experiment
A Chuan, H Zhang
Available at SSRN 3930741, 2023
Job amenities for students: evidence from a field experiment
A Chuan, HJ Rho
Parental Investments in Early Childhood and the Gender Gap in
A Chuan, JA List, A Samek, S Samujjwala
Non-College Occupations, Workplace Automation, and the College Gender Gap
A Chuan, W Zhang
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Articles 1–19