Ruben Sanchez-Romero
Ruben Sanchez-Romero
Rutgers-Newark Center for Molecular and Behavioral Neuroscience
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A million variables and more: the fast greedy equivalence search algorithm for learning high-dimensional graphical causal models, with an application to functional magnetic …
J Ramsey, M Glymour, R Sanchez-Romero, C Glymour
International journal of data science and analytics 3, 121-129, 2017
Advancing functional connectivity research from association to causation
AT Reid, DB Headley, RD Mill, R Sanchez-Romero, LQ Uddin, ...
Nature neuroscience 22 (11), 1751-1760, 2019
Causal discovery from heterogeneous/nonstationary data
B Huang, K Zhang, J Zhang, J Ramsey, R Sanchez-Romero, C Glymour, ...
Journal of Machine Learning Research 21 (89), 1-53, 2020
The functional relevance of task-state functional connectivity
MW Cole, T Ito, C Cocuzza, R Sanchez-Romero
Journal of Neuroscience 41 (12), 2684-2702, 2021
Tetrad—a toolbox for causal discovery
JD Ramsey, K Zhang, M Glymour, RS Romero, B Huang, I Ebert-Uphoff, ...
8th international workshop on climate informatics, 1-4, 2018
Estimating feedforward and feedback effective connections from fMRI time series: Assessments of statistical methods
R Sanchez-Romero, JD Ramsey, K Zhang, MRK Glymour, B Huang, ...
Network Neuroscience 3 (2), 274-306, 2019
Non-Gaussian methods and high-pass filters in the estimation of effective connections
JD Ramsey, R Sanchez-Romero, C Glymour
Neuroimage 84, 986-1006, 2014
Combining multiple functional connectivity methods to improve causal inferences
R Sanchez-Romero, MW Cole
Journal of cognitive neuroscience 33 (2), 180-194, 2021
Behind distribution shift: Mining driving forces of changes and causal arrows
B Huang, K Zhang, J Zhang, R Sanchez-Romero, C Glymour, B Schölkopf
2017 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM), 913-918, 2017
Diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder by causal influence strength learned from resting-state fMRI data
B Huang
Neural engineering techniques for autism spectrum disorder, 237-267, 2021
Fast scalable and accurate discovery of dags using the best order score search and grow shrink trees
B Andrews, J Ramsey, R Sanchez Romero, J Camchong, E Kummerfeld
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 36, 63945-63956, 2023
Causal discovery of feedback networks with functional magnetic resonance imaging
R Sanchez-Romero, JD Ramsey, K Zhang, MRK Glymour, B Huang, ...
bioRxiv, 245936, 2018
Causally informed activity flow models provide mechanistic insight into network-generated cognitive activations
R Sanchez-Romero, T Ito, RD Mill, SJ Hanson, MW Cole
NeuroImage 278, 120300, 2023
Regularized partial correlation provides reliable functional connectivity estimates while correcting for widespread confounding
KL Peterson, R Sanchez-Romero, RD Mill, MW Cole
bioRxiv, 2023.09. 16.558065, 2023
Identification of effective connectivity subregions
R Sanchez-Romero, JD Ramsey, K Zhang, C Glymour
arXiv preprint arXiv:1908.03264, 2019
Distributed resting-state network interactions linked to the generation of local visual category selectivity
CV Cocuzza, SR Ruben, T Ito, RD Mill, BP Keane, MW Cole
BioRxiv 19 (10.1101), 2022.02, 2022
Distributed network flows generate localized category selectivity in human visual cortex
CV Cocuzza, R Sanchez-Romero, T Ito, RD Mill, BP Keane, MW Cole
PLOS Computational Biology 20 (10), e1012507, 2024
Protocol for activity flow mapping of neurocognitive computations using the Brain Activity Flow Toolbox
CV Cocuzza, R Sanchez-Romero, MW Cole
STAR protocols 3 (1), 101094, 2022
Functionality of arousal-regulating brain circuitry at rest predicts human cognitive abilities
E Podvalny, R Sanchez-Romero, MW Cole
Cerebral Cortex 34 (5), bhae192, 2024
Helmholtz’s vision: Underdetermination, behavior and the brain
C Glymour, R Sanchez-Romero
The Routledge Handbook of the Computational Mind, 237-246, 2018
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Articles 1–20