Janne Sinkkonen
Janne Sinkkonen
Reaktor, Chief (Data) Scientist
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Cited by
Language-specific phoneme representations revealed by electric and magnetic brain responses
R Näätänen, A Lehtokoski, M Lennes, M Cheour, M Huotilainen, ...
Nature 385 (6615), 432-434, 1997
Selective attention enhances the auditory 40-Hz transient response in humans
HT Tiitinen, J Sinkkonen, K Reinikainen, K Alho, J Lavikainen, ...
Nature 364 (6432), 59-60, 1993
Temporal window of integration of auditory information in the human brain
H Yabe, M Tervaniemi, J Sinkkonen, M Huotilainen, RJ Ilmoniemi, ...
Psychophysiology 35 (5), 615-619, 1998
Visual cortex activation in blind humans during sound discrimination
T Kujala, M Huotilainen, J Sinkkonen, AI Ahonen, K Alho, MS Hämälä, ...
Neuroscience letters 183 (1-2), 143-146, 1995
Electrophysiological evidence for cross‐modal plasticity in humans with early‐and late‐onset blindness
T Kujala, K Alho, M Huotilainen, RJ Ilmoniemi, A Lehtokoski, A Leinonen, ...
Psychophysiology 34 (2), 213-216, 1997
Bankruptcy analysis with self-organizing maps in learning metrics
S Kaski, J Sinkkonen, J Peltonen
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks 12 (4), 936-947, 2001
Test–retest reliability of mismatch negativity for duration, frequency and intensity changes
M Tervaniemi, A Lehtokoski, J Sinkkonen, J Virtanen, RJ Ilmoniemi, ...
Clinical Neurophysiology 110 (8), 1388-1393, 1999
Analysis of speech sounds is left-hemisphere predominant at 100–150 ms after sound onset
T Rinne, K Alho, P Alku, M Holi, J Sinkkonen, J Virtanen, O Bertrand, ...
NeuroReport 10 (5), 1113-1117, 1999
Gabor filters: an informative way for analysing event-related brain activity
J Sinkkonen, H Tiitinen, R Näätänen
Journal of neuroscience methods 56 (1), 99-104, 1995
Clustering based on conditional distributions in an auxiliary space
J Sinkkonen, S Kaski
Neural Computation 14 (1), 217-239, 2002
Scalp-recorded optical signals make sound processing in the auditory cortex visible
T Rinne, G Gratton, M Fabiani, N Cowan, E Maclin, A Stinard, ...
Neuroimage 10, 620-624, 1999
Towards optimal recording and analysis of the mismatch negativity
J Sinkkonen, M Tervaniemi
Audiology and Neurotology 5 (3-4), 235-246, 2000
The mismatch negativity for duration decrement of auditory stimuli in healthy subjects
SL Joutsiniemi, T Ilvonen, J Sinkkonen, M Huotilainen, M Tervaniemi, ...
Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology/Evoked Potentials …, 1998
Task effects on fatigue symptoms in overnight driving
H Summala, H Hakkanen, T Mikkola, J Sinkkonen
Ergonomics 42 (6), 798-806, 1999
Harmonic partials facilitate pitch discrimination in humans: electrophysiological and behavioral evidence
M Tervaniemi, T Ilvonen, J Sinkkonen, A Kujala, K Alho, M Huotilainen, ...
Neuroscience Letters 279 (1), 29-32, 2000
Age-related functional differences between auditory cortices: a whole-head MEG study
E Pekkonen, M Huotilainen, J Virtanen, J Sinkkonen, T Rinne, ...
Neuroreport 6 (13), 1803-1806, 1995
Interaction between representations of different features of auditory sensory memory
M Huotilainen, J Lavikainen, H Tiitinen, K Alho, J Sinkkonen, J Knuutila, ...
NeuroReport 4 (11), 1279, 1993
Specific changes in somatosensory evoked magnetic fields during recovery from sensorimotor stroke
H Wikström, RO Roine, HJ Aronen, O Salonen, J Sinkkonen, RJ Ilmoniemi, ...
Annals of Neurology: Official Journal of the American Neurological …, 2000
Discriminative clustering
S Kaski, J Sinkkonen, A Klami
Neurocomputing 69 (1-3), 18-41, 2005
Discriminative clustering: Optimal contingency tables by learning metrics
J Sinkkonen, S Kaski, J Nikkilä
Machine Learning: ECML 2002: 13th European Conference on Machine Learning …, 2002
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Articles 1–20