Бабич Екатерина Сергеевна (Babich Ekaterina)
Бабич Екатерина Сергеевна (Babich Ekaterina)
Санкт-Петербургский Политехнический университет Петра Великого
Подтвержден адрес электронной почты в домене spbstu.ru
Self‐Assembled Silver–Gold Nanoisland Films on Glass for SERS Applications
E Babich, A Redkov, I Reduto, A Lipovskii
physica status solidi (RRL)-Rapid Research Letters, 2017
Self-assembled silver nanoparticles in glass microstructured by poling for SERS application
ES Babich, ES Gangrskaia, IV Reduto, J Béal, AV Redkov, T Maurer, ...
Current Applied Physics 19 (10), 1088-1095, 2019
SERS-active pattern in silver-ion-exchanged glass drawn by infrared nanosecond laser
E Babich, V Kaasik, A Redkov, T Maurer, A Lipovskii
Nanomaterials 10 (9), 1849, 2020
Hot spot statistics and SERS performance of self-assembled silver nanoisland films
E Babich, S Scherbak, F Asonkeng, T Maurer, A Lipovskii
Optical Materials Express 9 (10), 4090-4096, 2019
Resonant optical properties of single out-diffused silver nanoislands
F Heisler, E Babich, S Scherbak, S Chervinskii, M Hasan, A Samusev, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 119 (47), 26692-26697, 2015
Raman enhancement by individual silver hemispheroids
ES Babich, AV Redkov, IV Reduto, SA Scherbak, AN Kamenskii, ...
Applied Surface Science 397, 119-124, 2017
Thermal poling of glasses to fabricate masks for ion exchange
E Babich, I Reduto, A Redkov, I Reshetov, V Zhurikhina, A Lipovskii
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1695 (1), 012107, 2020
Power spectral density analysis for optimizing SERS structures
E Babich, S Scherbak, E Lubyankina, V Zhurikhina, A Lipovskii
Sensors 22 (2), 593, 2022
Dendritic structures by glass electrolysis: Studies and SERS capability
E Babich, D Raskhodchikov, A Redkov, A Hmima, A Nashchekin, ...
Current Applied Physics 24, 54-59, 2021
Stable in biocompatible buffers silver nanoisland films for SERS
A Skvortsov, E Babich, A Redkov, A Lipovskii, V Zhurikhina
Biosensors 11 (11), 448, 2021
Diffusive formation of Au/Ag alloy nanoparticles of governed composition in glass
E Babich, I Reduto, A Lipovskii
Nanomaterials 12 (23), 4202, 2022
Peculiarities of ion-exchange in poled glasses
EA Lubyankina, DV Raskhodchikov, ES Babich, VP Kaasik, AA Lipovskii
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2086 (1), 012152, 2021
Raman scattering study of amino acids adsorbed on a silver nanoisland film
A Skvortsov, E Babich, A Lipovskii, A Redkov, G Yang, V Zhurikhina
Sensors 22 (14), 5455, 2022
Peculiar electric properties of polarized layer in alkaline silicate glasses
E Koroleva, I Reshetov, E Babich, S Vakhrushev, D Tagantsev, ...
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 105 (5), 3418-3427, 2022
Kinetics of Nanoparticles Formation Under UV, VIS and IR Nanosecond Laser Irradiation of a Silver-Ions-Enriched Glass
E Babich, V Kaasik, I Reduto, S Scherbak, A Lipovskii
Journal of Laser Micro/Nanoengineering 16 (2), 2021
SERS of bacteriorhodopsin with out-diffused silver nanoislands
H Fabian
Научно-технический вестник информационных технологий, механики и оптики, 18-22, 2014
Coupling of plasmon and grating resonances for SERS enhancement
SA Scherbak, ES Babich, IV Reduto, AA Lipovskii
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1410 (1), 012185, 2019
Resonant properties of coupled silver hemispheroids
ES Babich, SA Scherbak, AV Redkov, AN Kamenskii, IV Reduto, ...
Journal of Nanophotonics 11 (3), 032503-032503, 2017
Rapid and sensitive detection of nucleoprotein SARS-CoV-2 virus: SERS vs ELISA
LI Fatkhutdinova, E Babich, K Boldyrev, S Shipilovskikh, I Terterev, ...
Photonics and Nanostructures-Fundamentals and Applications 57, 101172, 2023
Formation of a Deep Surface Relief in Photo-Sensitive Silicate Glasses
VP Kaasik, ES Babich, VV Zhurikhina, AA Lipovskii, DK Tagantsev
Glass Physics and Chemistry 48 (6), 584-587, 2022
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