Clara Alida Cutello
Clara Alida Cutello
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Evaluating the effectiveness of a young driver-education intervention: Learn2Live
CA Cutello, E Hellier, J Stander, Y Hanoch
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 69, 375-384, 2020
A cross-cultural study of risky online self-presentation
CM White, CA Cutello, M Gummerum, Y Hanoch
Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking 21 (1), 25-31, 2018
Physical activity during the first lockdown of the COVID-19 pandemic: investigating the reliance on digital technologies, perceived benefits, barriers and the impact of affect
M Symons, C Meira Cunha, K Poels, H Vandebosch, N Dens, ...
International journal of environmental research and public health 18 (11), 5555, 2021
Evaluating an intervention to reduce risky driving behaviors: Taking the fear out of virtual reality
CA Cutello, M Gummerum, Y Hanoch, E Hellier
Risk analysis 41 (9), 1662-1673, 2021
Reducing optimism bias in the driver’s seat: Comparing two interventions
CA Cutello, C Walsh, Y Hanoch, E Hellier
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 78, 207-217, 2021
What the curtains do not shield: a phenomenological exploration of patient‐witnessed resuscitation in hospital. Part 2: Healthcare professionals' experiences
M Fiori, M Coombs, R Endacott, CA Cutello, JM Latour
Journal of advanced nursing 78 (8), 2596-2607, 2022
What the curtains do not shield: A phenomenological exploration of patient-witnessed resuscitation in hospital. Part 1: patients'
M Fiori, JM Latour, R Endacott, CA Cutello, M Coombs
Journal of Advanced Nursing Journal of Advanced Nursing Original Research …, 2022
Measuring optimism bias among military personnel
CA Cutello, C Walsh, FR Foerster, Y Hanoch, E Hellier
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 82, 475-483, 2021
The impact of nutritional labeling on adult snack choices: A controlled field experiment in a non-commercial professional setting
E Godden, CA Cutello, N Dens
Appetite 193, 107167, 2024
Message reminders encouraging brisk walking by considering the dynamic factor of cognitive fatigue
M Symons, H Vandebosch, CA Cutello, K Poels
European journal of health communication 3 (3), 41-68, 2022
Beyond Scaring Them Straight: Assessing Alternative Measures of Persuasion in Road Safety Campaigns
CA Cutello
Witnessing CPR of a fellow patient in hospital: a qualitative study exploring patients’ experiences
M Fiori, CA Cutello, M Coombs, R Endacott, JM Latour
Resuscitation 142, e61-e62, 2019
Cognitive Fatigue, Humor, and Physical Activity: A Field Experiment Testing Whether Humorous Messages Promote Walking in Cognitively Fatigued Individuals
M Symons, MH Rahmani, K Rudnicki, CA Cutello, K Poels, H Vandebosch
Health Communication, 1-15, 2024
Food for thought: Reinforced learning and recall of physical activity calorie equivalent (PACE) and numerical calorie content in an associative learning task
CA Cutello, FR Foerster, N Dens
Appetite 193, 107129, 2024
The meaning of CPR in the life-world of hospital: perspectives of patients who witnessed CPR and healthcare professionals.
M Fiori, M Coombs, R Endacott, CA Cutello, JM Latour
European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing 21 (Supplement_1), zvac060. 065, 2022
Psychology and Behaviour
CA Cutello, C Walsh, FR Foerster, Y Hanoch, E Hellier
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