Yuh-Jye Lee
Yuh-Jye Lee
Research Fellow of Research Center for Information Technology Innovation, Academia Sinica
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Cited by
RSVM: Reduced support vector machines
YJ Lee, OL Mangasarian
Proceedings of the 2001 SIAM international conference on data mining, 1-17, 2001
SSVM: A smooth support vector machine for classification
YJ Lee, OL Mangasarian
Computational optimization and Applications 20, 5-22, 2001
Reduced support vector machines: A statistical theory
YJ Lee, SY Huang
IEEE Transactions on neural networks 18 (1), 1-13, 2007
Anomaly detection via online oversampling principal component analysis
YJ Lee, YR Yeh, YCF Wang
IEEE transactions on knowledge and data engineering 25 (7), 1460-1470, 2012
Model selection for support vector machines via uniform design
CM Huang, YJ Lee, DKJ Lin, SY Huang
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 52 (1), 335-346, 2007
epsilon-SSVR: A smooth support vector machine for epsilon-insensitive regression
YJ Lee, WF Hsieh, CM Huang
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge & Data Engineering 17 (05), 678-685, 2005
Variable selection and oversampling in the use of smooth support vector machines for predicting the default risk of companies
W Härdle, YJ Lee, D Schäfer, YR Yeh
Journal of Forecasting 28 (6), 512-534, 2009
Nonlinear dimension reduction with kernel sliced inverse regression
YR Yeh, SY Huang, YJ Lee
IEEE transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 21 (11), 1590-1603, 2008
Breast cancer survival and chemotherapy: A support vector machine analysis.
YJ Lee, OL Mangasarian, WH Wolberg
Discrete mathematical problems with medical applications 55, 1-20, 1999
Malicious URL filtering—A big data application
MS Lin, CY Chiu, YJ Lee, HK Pao
2013 IEEE international conference on big data, 589-596, 2013
Survival-time classification of breast cancer patients
YJ Lee, OL Mangasarian, WH Wolberg
Computational Optimization and Applications 25, 151-166, 2003
A three-tier IDS via data mining approach
TS Hwang, TJ Lee, YJ Lee
Proceedings of the 3rd annual ACM workshop on Mining network data, 1-6, 2007
Locality-constrained group sparse representation for robust face recognition
YW Chao, YR Yeh, YW Chen, YJ Lee, YCF Wang
2011 18th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 761-764, 2011
Authentication method and authentication system
ABR Jeng, HM Lee, TE Wei, YJ Lee
US Patent App. 13/935,569, 2015
Semi-supervised learning for false alarm reduction
CY Chiu, YJ Lee, CC Chang, WY Luo, HC Huang
Advances in Data Mining. Applications and Theoretical Aspects: 10th …, 2010
Efficient traffic speed forecasting based on massive heterogenous historical data
XY Chen, HK Pao, YJ Lee
2014 IEEE international conference on big data (Big Data), 10-17, 2014
Clock skew based client device identification in cloud environments
DJ Huang, KT Yang, CC Ni, WC Teng, TR Hsiang, YJ Lee
2012 IEEE 26th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking …, 2012
A hierarchical framework using approximated local outlier factor for efficient anomaly detection
L Xu, YR Yeh, YJ Lee, J Li
Procedia Computer Science 19, 1174-1181, 2013
Malicious URL detection based on kolmogorov complexity estimation
HK Pao, YL Chou, YJ Lee
2012 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conferences on Web Intelligence and …, 2012
A novel framework for multi-class classification via ternary smooth support vector machine
CC Chang, LJ Chien, YJ Lee
Pattern Recognition 44 (6), 1235-1244, 2011
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Articles 1–20