Georgy Shoev
Georgy Shoev
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Development and testing of a numerical simulation method for thermally nonequilibrium dissociating flows in ANSYS Fluent
GV Shoev, YA Bondar, GP Oblapenko, EV Kustova
Thermophysics and Aeromechanics 23 (2), 151-163, 2016
Validation of vibration-dissociation coupling models in hypersonic non-equilibrium separated flows
G Shoev, G Oblapenko, O Kunova, M Mekhonoshina, E Kustova
Acta Astronautica 144, 147-159, 2018
Detailed analysis of recent drag models using multiple cases of mono-disperse fluidized beds with Geldart-B and Geldart-D particles
R Stanly, G Shoev
Chemical Engineering Science 188, 132-149, 2018
Viscosity effects on weak irregular reflection of shock waves in steady flow
MS Ivanov, YA Bondar, DV Khotyanovsky, AN Kudryavtsev, GV Shoev
Progress in aerospace sciences 46 (2-3), 89-105, 2010
Viscous effects in steady reflection of strong shock waves
DK Khotyanovsky, YA Bondar, AN Kudryavtsev, GV Shoev, MS Ivanov
AIAA journal 47 (5), 1263-1269, 2009
On the total enthalpy behavior inside a shock wave
GV Shoev, MY Timokhin, YA Bondar
Physics of Fluids 32 (4), 2020
Numerical study of shock wave interaction in steady flows of a viscous heat-conducting gas with a low ratio of specific heats
GV Shoev, MS Ivanov
Thermophysics and Aeromechanics 23 (3), 343-354, 2016
Numerical simulation of a CO2, CO, O2, O, C mixture: Validation through comparisons with results obtained in a ground-based facility and thermochemical effects
A Kosareva, G Shoev
Acta Astronautica 160, 461-478, 2019
Numerical study of viscous effects on centreline shock reflection in axisymmetric flow
G Shoev, H Ogawa
Physics of Fluids 31 (2), 2019
Numerical simulation of nonequilibrium flows by using the state-to-state approach in commercial software
OV Kunova, GV Shoev, AN Kudryavtsev
Thermophysics and Aeromechanics 24 (1), 7-17, 2017
A non-equilibrium dissociation and vibrational relaxation model for computational fluid dynamics simulations of flows with shock waves
Y Gorbachev, O Kunova, G Shoev
Physics of Fluids 33 (12), 2021
Nonequilibrium velocity distribution in steady regular shock-wave reflection
Y Bondar, G Shoev, A Kokhanchik, M Timokhin
AIP Conference Proceedings 2132 (1), 2019
A numerical study of non-equilibrium flows with different vibrational relaxation models
NV Petrov, SV Kirilovskiy, TV Poplavskaya, GV Shoev
Technical Physics Letters 42, 697-700, 2016
Numerical study of shock wave entry and propagation in a microchannel
GV Shoev, YA Bondar, DV Khotyanovsky, AN Kudryavtsev, K Maruta, ...
Thermophysics and Aeromechanics 19 (1), 17-32, 2012
Numerical simulation of coupled state-to-state kinetics and heat transfer in viscous non-equilibrium flows
O Kunova, E Kustova, M Mekhonoshina, G Shoev
AIP Conference Proceedings 1786 (1), 2016
A numerical code for a wide range of compressible flows on hybrid computational architectures
AA Shershnev, AN Kudryavtsev, AV Kashkovsky, GV Shoev, SP Borisov, ...
Supercomputing Frontiers and Innovations 9 (4), 85-99, 2022
Modeling of the plasma environment of re-entry space vehicles
AA Shevyrin, TY Shkredov, GV Shoev, YA Bondar
AIP Conference Proceedings 2027 (1), 2018
Numerical study of non-equilibrium gas flows with shock waves by using the navier–stokes equations in the two-temperature approximation
G Shoev, Y Bondar
AIP Conference Proceedings 1770 (1), 2016
Viscous effects in Mach reflection of shock waves and passage to the inviscid limit
GV Shoev, AN Kudryavtsev, DV Khotyanovsky, YA Bondar
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 959, A2, 2023
Numerical simulation of gas-solid flows in fluidized bed with TFM model
R Stanly, G Shoev
AIP Conference Proceedings 1893 (1), 2017
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