Changbum Ryan Ahn
Cited by
Cited by
Wearable sensing technology applications in construction safety and health
CR Ahn, SH Lee, C Sun, H Jebelli, K Yang, B Choi
Journal of Construction Engineering and Management 145 (11), 03119007, 2019
Impact assessment of reinforced learning methods on construction workers' fall risk behavior using virtual reality
Y Shi, J Du, CR Ahn, E Ragan
Automation in Construction 104, 197-214, 2019
Construction worker's awkward posture recognition through supervised motion tensor decomposition
J Chen, J Qiu, C Ahn
Automation in Construction 77, 67-81, 2017
Semi-supervised near-miss fall detection for ironworkers with a wearable inertial measurement unit
K Yang, CR Ahn, MC Vuran, SS Aria
Automation in construction 68, 194-202, 2016
Automated methods for activity recognition of construction workers and equipment: State-of-the-art review
B Sherafat, CR Ahn, R Akhavian, AH Behzadan, M Golparvar-Fard, H Kim, ...
Journal of Construction Engineering and Management 146 (6), 03120002, 2020
Fall risk analysis of construction workers using inertial measurement units: Validating the usefulness of the postural stability metrics in construction
H Jebelli, CR Ahn, TL Stentz
Safety science 84, 161-170, 2016
Collective sensing of workers' gait patterns to identify fall hazards in construction
K Yang, CR Ahn, MC Vuran, H Kim
Automation in construction 82, 166-178, 2017
Comprehensive fall-risk assessment of construction workers using inertial measurement units: Validation of the gait-stability metric to assess the fall risk of iron workers
H Jebelli, CR Ahn, TL Stentz
Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering 30 (3), 04015034, 2016
Application of dynamic time warping to the recognition of mixed equipment activities in cycle time measurement
H Kim, CR Ahn, D Engelhaupt, SH Lee
Automation in Construction 87, 225-234, 2018
Application of low-cost accelerometers for measuring the operational efficiency of a construction equipment fleet
CR Ahn, SH Lee, F Peña-Mora
Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering 29 (2), 04014042, 2015
A review of approaches for sensing, understanding, and improving occupancy-related energy-use behaviors in commercial buildings
HN Rafsanjani, CR Ahn, M Alahmad
Energies 8 (10), 10996-11029, 2015
Assessing occupants’ energy load variation through existing wireless network infrastructure in commercial and educational buildings
J Chen, C Ahn
Energy and Buildings 82, 540-549, 2014
Sustainability analysis of earthmoving operations
C Ahn, JC Martinez, PV Rekapalli, FA Peña-Mora
Proceedings of the 2009 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC), 2605-2611, 2009
Identifying safety hazards using collective bodily responses of workers
H Kim, CR Ahn, K Yang
Journal of construction engineering and management 143 (2), 04016090, 2017
Importance of Operational Efficiency to Achieve Energy Efficiency and Exhaust Emission Reduction of Construction Operations
CR Ahn, SH Lee
Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 2012
Linking building energy consumption with occupants’ energy-consuming behaviors in commercial buildings: Non-intrusive occupant load monitoring (NIOLM)
HN Rafsanjani, CR Ahn, J Chen
Energy and buildings 172, 317-327, 2018
Automated detection of near-miss fall incidents in iron workers using inertial measurement units
K Yang, S Aria, CR Ahn, TL Stentz
Construction Research Congress 2014: Construction in a Global Network, 935-944, 2014
Toward environmentally sustainable construction processes: The US and Canada’s perspective on energy consumption and GHG/CAP emissions
C Ahn, SH Lee, F Peña-Mora, S Abourizk
Sustainability 2 (1), 354-370, 2010
Detecting excessive load-carrying tasks using a deep learning network with a Gramian Angular Field
H Lee, K Yang, N Kim, CR Ahn
Automation in Construction 120, 103390, 2020
Deep learning-based classification of work-related physical load levels in construction
K Yang, CR Ahn, H Kim
Advanced Engineering Informatics 45, 101104, 2020
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Articles 1–20