Alberto Moreira Jorge Junior
Cited by
Cited by
High cooling rates and metastable phases at the interfaces of explosively welded materials
IA Bataev, DV Lazurenko, S Tanaka, K Hokamoto, AA Bataev, Y Guo, ...
Acta materialia 135, 277-289, 2017
Towards better understanding of explosive welding by combination of numerical simulation and experimental study
IA Bataev, S Tanaka, Q Zhou, DV Lazurenko, AMJ Junior, AA Bataev, ...
Materials & Design 169, 107649, 2019
Explosively welded multilayer Ti-Al composites: Structure and transformation during heat treatment
DV Lazurenko, IA Bataev, VI Mali, AA Bataev, IN Maliutina, VS Lozhkin, ...
Materials & Design 102, 122-130, 2016
Dynamic recovery and dynamic recrystallization competition on a Nb-and N-bearing austenitic stainless steel biomaterial: Influence of strain rate and temperature
RC Souza, ES Silva, AM Jorge Jr, JM Cabrera, O Balancin
Materials Science and Engineering: A 582, 96-107, 2013
High Strength AA7050 Al alloy processed by ECAP: Microstructure and mechanical properties
KR Cardoso, DN Travessa, WJ Botta, AM Jorge Jr
Materials Science and Engineering: A 528 (18), 5804-5811, 2011
An investigation of hydrogen storage in a magnesium-based alloy processed by equal-channel angular pressing
AM Jorge Jr, E Prokofiev, GF de Lima, E Rauch, M Veron, WJ Botta, ...
international journal of hydrogen energy 38 (20), 8306-8312, 2013
Nanoscale Grain Refinement and H‐Sorption Properties of MgH2 Processed by High‐Pressure Torsion and Other Mechanical Routes
DR Leiva, AM Jorge, TT Ishikawa, J Huot, D Fruchart, S Miraglia, ...
Advanced Engineering Materials 12 (8), 786-792, 2010
Prediction of steel flow stresses under hot working conditions
AM Jorge Junior, O Balancin
Materials research 8, 309-315, 2005
Hydrogen storage in MgAlTiFeNi high entropy alloy
KR Cardoso, V Roche, AM Jorge Jr, FJ Antiqueira, G Zepon, Y Champion
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 858, 158357, 2021
Influence of morphology and crystalline structure of TiO2 nanotubes on their electrochemical properties and apatite-forming ability
F Hilario, V Roche, RP Nogueira, AMJ Junior
Electrochimica Acta 245, 337-349, 2017
Correlation between hydrogen storage properties and textures induced in magnesium through ECAP and cold rolling
AM Jorge Jr, GF De Lima, MRM Triques, WJ Botta, CS Kiminami, ...
International journal of hydrogen energy 39 (8), 3810-3821, 2014
Explosively welded multilayer Ni–Al composites
IA Bataev, TS Ogneva, AA Bataev, VI Mali, MA Esikov, DV Lazurenko, ...
Materials & Design 88, 1082-1087, 2015
Nanostructured MgH2 prepared by cold rolling and cold forging
DR Leiva, R Floriano, J Huot, AM Jorge, C Bolfarini, CS Kiminami, ...
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 509, S444-S448, 2011
Magnetic properties of spray-formed Fe–6.5% Si and Fe–6.5% Si–1.0% Al after rolling and heat treatment
C Bolfarini, MCA Silva, AM Jorge Jr, CS Kiminami, WJ Botta
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 320 (20), e653-e656, 2008
Influence of the microstructure on the plastic behaviour of duplex stainless steels
AMJ Júnior, GS Reis, O Balancin
Materials Science and Engineering: A 528 (6), 2259-2264, 2011
Effect of competing hardening and softening mechanisms on the flow stress curve modeling of ultra-low carbon steel at high temperatures
AM Jorge Jr, W Regone, O Balancin
Journal of materials processing technology 142 (2), 415-421, 2003
Influence o the microstructure of duplex stainless steels on their failure characteristics during hot deformation
GS Reis, AM Jorge Jr, O Balancin
Materials Research 3 (2), 31-35, 2000
Severe plastic deformation for producing Superfunctional ultrafine-grained and heterostructured materials: An interdisciplinary review
K Edalati, AQ Ahmed, S Akrami, K Ameyama, V Aptukov, RN Asfandiyarov, ...
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 174667, 2024
Proportion of recovery and recrystallization during interpass times at high temperatures on a Nb-and N-bearing austenitic stainless steel biomaterial
EJ Giordani, AM Jorge Jr, O Balancin
Scripta Materialia 55 (8), 743-746, 2006
Degradation of biodegradable implants: The influence of microstructure and composition of Mg-Zn-Ca alloys
V Roche, GY Koga, TB Matias, CS Kiminami, C Bolfarini, WJ Botta, ...
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 774, 168-181, 2019
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Articles 1–20