Amin Dehghanian
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Cited by
Optimization of build orientation in FFF using response surface methodology and posterior-based method
MJ Hooshmand, S Mansour, A Dehghanian
Rapid Prototyping Journal 27 (5), 967-994, 2021
Strategic dynamic jockeying between two parallel queues
A Dehghanian, JP Kharoufeh, M Modarres
Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences 30 (1), 41-60, 2016
Multi-objective optimization for selecting sustainable materials with simultaneous consideration of several components in a product
FS Hashemi Sohi, S Mansour, A Dehghanian
International Journal of Sustainable Engineering 15 (1), 107-121, 2022
Parallel subgradient algorithm with block dual decomposition for large-scale optimization
Y Zheng, Y Xie, I Lee, A Dehghanian, N Serban
European journal of operational research 299 (1), 60-74, 2022
Optimizing over pure stationary equilibria in consensus stopping games
A Dehghanian, M Kurt, AJ Schaefer
Mathematical Programming Computation 11 (2), 341-380, 2019
Superadditive characterizations of pure integer programming feasibility
A Dehghanian, AJ Schaefer
Optimization Letters 10, 181-188, 2016
Optimal stopping with a capacity constraint: Generalizing Shepp’s urn scheme
A Dehghanian, JP Kharoufeh
Operations Research Letters 47 (4), 311-316, 2019
Analysis of a time–cost trade-off in a resource-constrained GERT project scheduling problem using the Markov decision process
S Sadri, SMTF Ghomi, A Dehghanian
Annals of Operations Research, 1-34, 2024
Integer programming approaches to stochastic games arising in paired kidney exchange and industrial organization
A Dehghanian
University of Pittsburgh, 2015
Learning Hidden Markov Models with Structured Transition Dynamics
S Ma, A Dehghanian, GG Garcia, N Serban
INFORMS Journal on Computing, 2024
Identifying Socially Optimal Equilibria Using Combinatorial Properties of Nash Equilibria in Bimatrix Games
A Dehghanian, Y Xie, N Serban
INFORMS Journal on Computing, 2024
The impact of dentists' availability in delivering dental care in Florida Elementary Schools
S Ma, N Serban, A Dehghanian, SL Tomar
Journal of public health dentistry 83 (1), 60-68, 2023
Identifying the Optimal Value Function of a Negative Markov Decision Process: An Integer Programming Approach
A Dehghanian
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Articles 1–13