Vikas Mittal
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Customer engagement behavior: Theoretical foundations and research directions
J Van Doorn, KN Lemon, V Mittal, S Nass, D Pick, P Pirner, PC Verhoef
Journal of Service Research 13 (3), 253-266, 2010
Satisfaction, repurchase intent, and repurchase behavior: Investigating the moderating effect of customer characteristics
V Mittal, WA Kamakura
Journal of Marketing Research 38 (1), 131-142, 2001
Strengthening the satisfaction-profit chain
EW Anderson, V Mittal
Journal of Service Research 3 (2), 107-120, 2000
“The Asymmetric Impact of Negative and Positive Attribute-Level Performance on Overall Satisfaction and Repurchase Intentions,”
V Mittal, WT Ross Jr., PM Baldasare
Journal of Marketing 62 (1), 33-47, 1998
“Attribute-Level Performance, Satisfaction, and Behavioral Intentions over Time: A Consumption-System Approach,”
V Mittal, P Kumar, M Tsiros
Journal of Marketing 63 (2), 88-101, 1999
Regret: A model of its antecedents and consequences in consumer decision making
M Tsiros, V Mittal
Journal of consumer Research 26 (4), 401-417, 2000
Assessing the service-profit chain
WA Kamakura, V Mittal, F De Rosa, JA Mazzon
Marketing Science 21 (3), 294-317, 2002
Relating brandand customer perspectives on marketing management
T Ambler, CB Bhattacharya, J Edell, KL Keller, KN Lemon, V Mittal
Journal of service research 5 (1), 13-25, 2002
Dual emphasis and the long-term financial impact of customer satisfaction
V Mittal, EW Anderson, A Sayrak, P Tadikamalla
Marketing Science 24 (4), 544-555, 2005
E-service quality: A meta-analytic review
M Blut, N Chowdhry, V Mittal, C Brock
Journal of retailing 91 (4), 679-700, 2015
The impact of positive and negative affect and issue framing on issue interpretation and risk taking
V Mittal, WT Ross Jr
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 76 (3), 298-324, 1998
Donation behavior toward in-groups and out-groups: The role of gender and moral identity
KP Winterich, V Mittal, WT Ross Jr
Journal of Consumer Research 36 (2), 199-214, 2009
CRM implementation: Effectiveness issues and insights
T Bohling, D Bowman, S LaValle, V Mittal, D Narayandas, G Ramani, ...
Journal of Service research 9 (2), 184-194, 2006
Understanding firms’ customer satisfaction information usage
NA Morgan, EW Anderson, V Mittal
Journal of marketing 69 (3), 131-151, 2005
The role of attributions in customer satisfaction: A reexamination
M Tsiros, V Mittal, WT Ross Jr
Journal of consumer research 31 (2), 476-483, 2004
Power distance belief and impulsive buying
Y Zhang, KP Winterich, V Mittal
Journal of Marketing Research 47 (5), 945-954, 2010
Do logo redesigns help or hurt your brand? The role of brand commitment
MF Walsh, K Page Winterich, V Mittal
Journal of Product & Brand Management 19 (2), 76-84, 2010
Customer complaining: the role of tie strength and information control
V Mittal, JW Huppertz, A Khare
Journal of retailing 84 (2), 195-204, 2008
When does recognition increase charitable behavior? Toward a moral identity-based model
KP Winterich, V Mittal, K Aquino
Journal of Marketing 77 (3), 121-134, 2013
When moral identity symbolization motivates prosocial behavior: the role of recognition and moral identity internalization.
KP Winterich, K Aquino, V Mittal, R Swartz
Journal of applied psychology 98 (5), 759, 2013
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Articles 1–20