Brian J. Lucas
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Cited by
Sleep after learning aids memory recall
S Gais, B Lucas, J Born
Learning & memory 13 (3), 259-262, 2006
The ergonomics of dishonesty: The effect of incidental posture on stealing, cheating, and traffic violations
AJ Yap, AS Wazlawek, BJ Lucas, AJC Cuddy, DR Carney
Psychological science 24 (11), 2281-2289, 2013
From inconsistency to hypocrisy: When does “saying one thing but doing another” invite condemnation?
DA Effron, K O’Connor, H Leroy, BJ Lucas
Research in Organizational Behavior 38, 61-75, 2018
People underestimate the value of persistence for creative performance.
BJ Lucas, LF Nordgren
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 109 (2), 232, 2015
How can leaders overcome the blurry vision bias? Identifying an antidote to the paradox of vision communication
AM Carton, BJ Lucas
Academy of Management Journal 61 (6), 2106-2129, 2018
Judgmental biases in conflict resolution and how to overcome them
L Thompson, BJ Lucas
Handbook of Conflict Resolution, 255-282, 2014
Hypocrisy by association: When organizational membership increases condemnation for wrongdoing
DA Effron, BJ Lucas, K O’Connor
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 130, 147-159, 2015
Feeling socially connected increases utilitarian choices in moral dilemmas
BJ Lucas, RW Livingston
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 53, 1-4, 2014
(Anti-) egalitarianism differentially predicts empathy for members of advantaged versus disadvantaged groups.
BJ Lucas, NS Kteily
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 114 (5), 665, 2018
Moral cleansing as hypocrisy: When private acts of charity make you feel better than you deserve.
K O'Connor, DA Effron, BJ Lucas
Journal of personality and social psychology 119 (3), 540, 2020
Cogs in the machine: The prioritization of money and self-dehumanization
RL Ruttan, BJ Lucas
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 149, 47-58, 2018
The creative cliff illusion
BJ Lucas, LF Nordgren
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (33), 19830-19836, 2020
Perception of emotion in sounded and imagined music
BJ Lucas, E Schubert, AR Halpern
Music Perception 27 (5), 399-412, 2010
Is utilitarianism risky? How the same antecedents and mechanism produce both utilitarian and risky choices
BJ Lucas, AD Galinsky
Perspectives on psychological science 10 (4), 541-548, 2015
Competition and moral behavior: A meta-analysis of forty-five crowd-sourced experimental designs
C Huber, A Dreber, J Huber, M Johannesson, M Kirchler, U Weitzel, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120 (23), e2215572120, 2023
Power buffers stress–for better and for worse
DR Carney, AJ Yap, BJ Lucas, PH Mehta, JA McGee, C Wilmuth
Unpublished manuscript, 2013
An intention-based account of perspective-taking: Why perspective-taking can both decrease and increase moral condemnation
BJ Lucas, AD Galinksy, KJ Murnighan
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 42 (11), 1480-1489, 2016
Illumination and elbow grease: A theory of how mental models of the creative process influence creativity
BJ Lucas, KM Mai
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 168, 104107, 2022
A longer shortlist increases the consideration of female candidates in male-dominant domains
BJ Lucas, Z Berry, LM Giurge, D Chugh
Nature Human Behaviour 5 (6), 736-742, 2021
Lay people’s beliefs about creativity: Evidence for an insight bias
BJ Lucas, LF Nordgren
Trends in Cognitive Sciences 26 (1), 6-7, 2022
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Articles 1–20