Sonia Ben Mokhtar
Sonia Ben Mokhtar
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Rbft: Redundant byzantine fault tolerance
PL Aublin, SB Mokhtar, V Quéma
2013 IEEE 33rd international conference on distributed computing systems …, 2013
EASY: Efficient semAntic Service discoverY in pervasive computing environments with QoS and context support
SB Mokhtar, D Preuveneers, N Georgantas, V Issarny, Y Berbers
Journal of Systems and Software 81 (5), 785-808, 2008
The long road to computational location privacy: A survey
V Primault, A Boutet, SB Mokhtar, L Brunie
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 21 (3), 2772-2793, 2018
Adaptive and context-aware service composition for IoT-based smart cities
A Urbieta, A González-Beltrán, SB Mokhtar, MA Hossain, L Capra
Future Generation Computer Systems 76, 262-274, 2017
Efficient semantic service discovery in pervasive computing environments
S Ben Mokhtar, A Kaul, N Georgantas, V Issarny
Middleware 2006: ACM/IFIP/USENIX 7th International Middleware Conference …, 2006
Trust management and reputation systems in mobile participatory sensing applications: A survey
H Mousa, SB Mokhtar, O Hasan, O Younes, M Hadhoud, L Brunie
Computer Networks 90, 49-73, 2015
Habit: Leveraging human mobility and social network for efficient content dissemination in delay tolerant networks
AJ Mashhadi, SB Mokhtar, L Capra
2009 IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and …, 2009
COCOA: COnversation-based service COmposition in pervAsive computing environments with QoS support
SB Mokhtar, N Georgantas, V Issarny
Journal of Systems and Software 80 (12), 1941-1955, 2007
Context-aware service composition in pervasive computing environments
SB Mokhtar, D Fournier, N Georgantas, V Issarny
Rapid Integration of Software Engineering Techniques: Second International …, 2006
The role of agreements in IT management software
C Molina-Jimenez, J Pruyne, A van Moorsel
Architecting Dependable Systems III, 36-58, 2005
The amigo service architecture for the open networked home environment
N Georgantas, SB Mokhtar, Y Bromberg, V Issarny, J Kalaoja, ...
5th Working IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software Architecture (WICSA'05), 295-296, 2005
Differentially private location privacy in practice
V Primault, SB Mokhtar, C Lauradoux, L Brunie
arXiv preprint arXiv:1410.7744, 2014
From pervasive to social computing: algorithms and deployments
S Ben Mokhtar, L Capra
Proceedings of the 2009 international conference on Pervasive services, 169-178, 2009
Cocoa: Conversationbased service composition for pervasive computing environments
Mokhtar, Georgantas, Issarny
2006 ACS/IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Services, 29-38, 2006
Ad hoc composition of user tasks in pervasive computing environments
SB Mokhtar, N Georgantas, V Issarny
Software Composition: 4th International Workshop, SC 2005, Edinburgh, UK …, 2005
Robust anomaly detection on unreliable data
Z Zhao, S Cerf, R Birke, B Robu, S Bouchenak, SB Mokhtar, LY Chen
2019 49th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems …, 2019
QoS-aware dynamic service composition in ambient intelligence environments
SB Mokhtar, J Liu, N Georgantas, V Issarny
Proceedings of the 20th IEEE/ACM international Conference on Automated …, 2005
Time distortion anonymization for the publication of mobility data with high utility
V Primault, SB Mokhtar, C Lauradoux, L Brunie
2015 IEEE Trustcom/BigDataSE/ISPA 1, 539-546, 2015
An investigation on the unwillingness of nodes to participate in mobile delay tolerant network routing
J Miao, O Hasan, SB Mokhtar, L Brunie, K Yim
International Journal of Information Management 33 (2), 252-262, 2013
Priva'mov: Analysing human mobility through multi-sensor datasets
SB Mokhtar, A Boutet, L Bouzouina, P Bonnel, O Brette, L Brunie, ...
NetMob 2017, 2017
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Articles 1–20