Mehmet Yasin Ulukus
Cited by
Cited by
Semi-Markov models for degradation-based reliability
JP Kharoufeh, CJ Solo, MY Ulukus
IIE Transactions 42 (8), 599-612, 2010
Admission and termination control of a two class loss system
MY Ulukus, R Güllü, L Örmeci
Stochastic Models 27 (1), 2-25, 2011
Optimal replacement policies under environment-driven degradation
MY Ulukus, JP Kharoufeh, LM Maillart
Probability in the engineering and informational sciences 26 (3), 405-424, 2012
The M/M/s Queue
MY Ulukus
Wiley Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science, 2010
The modeling, analysis, and management of intensive care units
T Bountourelis, MY Ulukus, JP Kharoufeh, SG Nabors
Handbook of Healthcare Operations Management: Methods and Applications, 153-182, 2013
Closer together or further apart? Club convergence in the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) countries
L Gunduz, HMRH Alshamsi, MY Ulukus
International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management …, 2021
Cytomegalovirus Matching in Deceased Donor Kidney Allocation: Results From a US National Simulation Model
B Sandikçi, MY Ulukuş, MA Ergün, B Tanriöver
Transplantation Direct 10 (6), e1622, 2024
Renewable GenCo bidding strategy using newsvendor-based neural networks: An example from Turkish electricity market
E Polat, MG Güler, MY Ulukuş
Electric Power Systems Research 231, 110301, 2024
A Convolutional Neural Network Model for Prediction of ICU Performance Metrics: Time Series and Image Transformation Approaches.
ÖK Karahan, Y Ulukus, ÇE Erdem
HEALTHINF, 671-679, 2023
Prediction Modeling
N Alkan, Y Turgut, E Ari, S Ata, MY Ulukus, MA Ergun, OF Beyca
Business Analytics for Professionals, 49-112, 2022
Data-driven management of intensive care units
MY Ulukus
University of Pittsburgh, 2017
Optimal Replacement of a System with Markov-Modulated Degradation
MY Ulukus, JP Kharoufeh, LM Maillart
IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings, 1, 2010
Score Based Anticipative Transfer Requests in the Intensive Care Units
MY Ulukus, G Pang, AJ Schaefer, GM Clermont
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Articles 1–13