Johan M. Sanne
Johan M. Sanne
Forskare, IVL Svenska Miljöinstitutet
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Cited by
Incident reporting or storytelling? Competing schemes in a safety-critical and hazardous work setting
JM Sanne
Safety Science 46 (8), 1205-1222, 2008
Creating safety in air traffic control
JM Sanne
Framing risks in a safety‐critical and hazardous job: risk‐taking as responsibility in railway maintenance
JM Sanne
Journal of Risk Research 11 (5), 645-658, 2008
Striking the balance between formality and informality in safety-critical communication: Train traffic control calls
M Andrén, JM Sanne, P Linell
Journal of pragmatics 42 (1), 220-241, 2010
Knowledge management infrastructure to support quality improvement: a qualitative study of maternity services in four European hospitals
A Karltun, JM Sanne, K Aase, JE Anderson, A Fernandes, NJ Fulop, ...
Health Policy 124 (2), 205-215, 2020
Learning from adverse events in the nuclear power industry: Organizational learning, policy making and normalization
JM Sanne
Technology in Society 34 (3), 239-250, 2012
Making matters speak in railway maintenance
JM Sanne
Ethnographies of diagnostic work: Dimensions of transformative practice, 54-72, 2010
Translating research on quality improvement in five European countries into a reflective guide for hospital leaders: the ‘QUASER Hospital Guide’
JE Anderson, G Robert, F Nunes, R Bal, S Burnett, A Karltun, J Sanne, ...
International Journal for Quality in Health Care 31 (8), G87-G96, 2019
Hybrid practices as a means to implement quality improvement: A comparative qualitative study in a Dutch and Swedish hospital
J Quartz-Topp, JM Sanne, H Pöstges
Health Care Management Review 43 (2), 148-156, 2018
Creating trust and achieving safety in air traffic control
JM Sanne
Constructing risk and safety in technological practice, 140-156, 2003
Arbete, arbetsorganisation och arbetsmarknad för kultur-och medieverksamma: Översikt över forskning och utredning
JM Sanne
Arbetsliv i omvandling, 1-83, 2001
Analysis of existing assessment resilience approaches, indicators and data sources: Usability and limitations of existing indicators for assessing, predicting and monitoring …
A Jovanović, P Klimek, A Choudhary, N Schmid, I Linkov, K Øien, ...
Estugarda: ReseachGate. doi 10, 2016
Fart och spänning: banarbetare, lokförare och tågtrafikledare om risk och riskhantering
JM Sanne
Univ., Tema Teknik och social förändring, 2001
Analysis of existing assessment resilience approaches, indicators and data sources
A Jovanović, P Klimek, A Choudhary, N Schmid, I Linkov, K Øien, J Sanne, ...
Usability and limitations of existing indicators for assessing, predicting …, 2016
Designing a business model to reduce CO2 emissions from construction machinery: Aligning business and environmental objectives
JM Sanne, A Björk, B Sahlberg, H Stripple
International journal of construction supply chain management 9 (1), 1-19, 2019
Vulnerable practices: Organizing through bricolage in railroad maintenance
JM Sanne
SmartResilience D3. 6: guideline for assessing, predicting and monitoring resilience of smart critical infrastructures (SCIs)
K Øien, A Jovanović, L Bodsberg, A Øren, A Choudhary, J Sanne, ...
EU project SmartResilience, Project, 2016-2019, 2018
Lärande i räddningstjänsten till stöd för en bättre arbetsmiljö
J Sanne
IVL Svenska Miljöinstitutet, 2018
Processtyrning–kritiska säkerhetsfrågor med inriktning på riskhantering
JM Sanne
SKI 6, 21, 2006
Contextualizing resilience indicators–comparable across organizations yet specific to context
JM Sanne, H Matschke Ekholm, M Rahmberg
Journal of Risk Research 24 (12), 1652-1667, 2021
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Articles 1–20