Pavel Paramonov
Pavel Paramonov
Hult International Business School
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Electrostatic nanolithography in polymers using atomic force microscopy
SF Lyuksyutov, RA Vaia, PB Paramonov, S Juhl, L Waterhouse, ...
Nature Materials 2 (7), 468-472, 2003
Modification of the surface properties of indium tin oxide with benzylphosphonic acids: a joint experimental and theoretical study
PJ Hotchkiss, H Li, PB Paramonov, SA Paniagua, SC Jones, ...
Advanced materials 21 (44), 4496-4501, 2009
Theoretical characterization of the indium tin oxide surface and of its binding sites for adsorption of phosphonic acid monolayers
PB Paramonov, SA Paniagua, PJ Hotchkiss, SC Jones, NR Armstrong, ...
Chemistry of Materials 20 (16), 5131-5133, 2008
Interaction of charge carriers with lattice vibrations in oligoacene crystals from naphthalene to pentacene
RS Sánchez-Carrera, P Paramonov, GM Day, V Coropceanu, JL Brédas
Journal of the American Chemical Society 132 (41), 14437-14446, 2010
Interaction of charge carriers with lattice vibrations in organic molecular semiconductors: naphthalene as a case study
V Coropceanu, RS Sánchez-Carrera, P Paramonov, GM Day, JL Brédas
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 113 (11), 4679-4686, 2009
Theoretical study of the surface modification of indium tin oxide with trifluorophenyl phosphonic acid molecules: impact of coverage density and binding geometry
H Li, P Paramonov, JL Bredas
Journal of Materials Chemistry 20 (13), 2630-2637, 2010
Peculiarities of an anomalous electronic current during atomic force microscopy assisted nanolithography on n-type silicon
SF Lyuksyutov, PB Paramonov, I Dolog, RM Ralich
Nanotechnology 14 (7), 716, 2003
Amplitude-modulated electrostatic nanolithography in polymers based on atomic force microscopy
SF Lyuksyutov, PB Paramonov, S Juhl, RA Vaia
Applied Physics Letters 83 (21), 4405-4407, 2003
Induced nanoscale deformations in polymers using atomic force microscopy
SF Lyuksyutov, PB Paramonov, RA Sharipov, G Sigalov
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 70 (17), 174110, 2004
Electronic and vibronic interactions at weakly bound organic interfaces: The case of pentacene on graphite
PB Paramonov, V Coropceanu, JL Brédas
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 78 (4), 041403, 2008
Precise formation of nanoscopic dots on polystyrene film using z-lift electrostatic lithography
S Juhl, D Phillips, RA Vaia, SF Lyuksyutov, PB Paramonov
Applied physics letters 85 (17), 3836-3838, 2004
Density-functional description of water condensation in proximity of nanoscale asperity
PB Paramonov, SF Lyuksyutov
The Journal of chemical physics 123 (8), 2005
Electronic structure of self-assembled (fluoro) methylthiol monolayers on the Au (1 1 1) surface: Impact of fluorination and coverage density
H Li, Y Duan, P Paramonov, V Coropceanu, JL Brédas
Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 174 (1-3), 70-77, 2009
Influence of water condensation on charge transport and electric breakdown between an atomic force microscope tip, polymeric, and (Semiconductor) CdS surfaces
E Rowicka, D Kashyn, MA Reagan, T Hirano, PB Paramonov, I Dolog, ...
Current Nanoscience 4 (2), 166-172, 2008
Atomic force microscope tip spontaneous retraction from dielectric surfaces under applied electrostatic potential
SF Lyuksyutov, PB Paramonov, OV Mayevska, MA Reagan, E Sancaktar, ...
Ultramicroscopy 106 (10), 909-913, 2006
Voltage-assisted asperity formation in styrene butadiene at room temperature: Cross-linking at the nanoscale
M Rackaitis, D Kashyn, E Rowicka, PB Paramonov, RR Mallik, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 78 (6), 064201, 2008
Rearrangements in an alkylthiolate self-assembled monolayer using electrostatic interactions between nanoscale asperity and organomercaptan molecules
PB Paramonov, SF Lyuksyutov, OV Mayevska, MA Reagan, K Umemura, ...
Langmuir 22 (15), 6555-6561, 2006
A novel approach based on scanning probe microscopy for nanolithography in polymer films
EKL Mittal
Polymer Surface Modification: Relevance to Adhesion, Volume 3 3, 417, 2004
Theoretical modeling of the nanostructure formation in soft condensed matter using atomic force microscopy
PB Paramonov
University of Akron, 2005
Exact analytical solution for electrostatic field produced by biased atomic force microscope tip dwelling above dielectric-conductor bi-layer
SF Lyuksyutov, RA Sharipov, G Sigalov, PB Paramonov
arXiv preprint cond-mat/0408247, 2004
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Articles 1–20