Traian Florin Șerbănuță
Traian Florin Șerbănuță
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An overview of the K semantic framework
G Roșu, TF Șerbănuță
Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming 79 (6), 397-434, 2010
jPredictor: A Predictive Runtime Analysis Tool for Java
F Chen, TF Șerbănuță, G Roșu
Software Engineering, 2008. ICSE'08. ACM/IEEE 30th International Conference …, 2008
A rewriting logic approach to operational semantics
TF Șerbănuță, G Roșu, J Meseguer
Information and Computation 207 (2), 305-340, 2009
Maximal causal models for sequentially consistent systems
TF Şerbănuţă, F Chen, G Roşu
Runtime Verification: Third International Conference, RV 2012, Istanbul …, 2013
All-Path Reachability Logic
G Rosu, TF Serbanuta, B Moore, R Mereuta, S Ciobaca, A Stefanescu
Logical Methods in Computer Science 15, 2019
RV-Monitor: Efficient parametric runtime verification with simultaneous properties
Q Luo, Y Zhang, C Lee, D Jin, PON Meredith, TF Şerbănuţă, G Roşu
Runtime Verification: 5th International Conference, RV 2014, Toronto, ON …, 2014
Injectivity of the Parikh matrix mappings revisited
VN Șerbănuță, TF Șerbănuță
Fundamenta Informaticae 73 (1), 265-283, 2006
Extending Parikh matrices.
TF Serbanuta
Theor. Comput. Sci. 310 (1-3), 233-246, 2004
K-Maude: A rewriting based tool for semantics of programming languages
TF Șerbănuță, G Roșu
Rewriting Logic and its Applications. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 104-122, 2010
K Overview and SIMPLE Case Study
G Roşu, TF Şerbănuţă
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 304, 3-56, 2014
Runtime verification of C memory safety
G Roșu, W Schulte, TF Șerbănuță
9th International Workshop on Runtime Verification (RV'09), Lecture Notes in …, 2009
The K Primer (version 3.3)
TF Şerbănuţă, A Arusoaie, D Lazar, C Ellison, D Lucanu, G Roşu
Proceedings of International K Workshop (K'11), ENTCS 304, 57-80, 2014
IELE: a rigorously designed language and tool ecosystem for the blockchain
T Kasampalis, D Guth, B Moore, TF Șerbănuță, Y Zhang, D Filaretti, ...
International Symposium on Formal Methods, 593-610, 2019
Computationally Equivalent Elimination of Conditions
TF Serbanuta, G Rosu
RTA, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4098, 19-34, 2006
Language Definitions as Rewrite Theories
V Rusu, D Lucanu, TF Șerbănuță, A Arusoaie, A Ştefănescu, G Roşu
Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming 85 (1), 98–120, 2016
RV-Android: Efficient Parametric Android Runtime Verification, a Brief Tutorial
P Daian, Y Falcone, P Meredith, TF Serbanuta, AI Shin’ichi Shiriashi, ...
Runtime Verification: 6th International Conference, RV 2015, Vienna, Austria …, 2015
A rewriting logic approach to type inference
C Ellison, T Șerbănuță, G Roșu
19th International Workshop on Algebraic Development Techniques (WADT'08 …, 2009
A rewrite framework for language definitions and for generation of efficient interpreters
M Hills, TF Șerbănuță, G Roșu
6th International Workshop on Rewriting Logic and its Applications (WRLA'06 …, 2007
Defining and executing P systems with structured data in K
T Şerbănuţă, G Ştefănescu, G Roşu
International Workshop on Membrane Computing, 374-393, 2008
The K Framework Distilled
D Lucanu, TF Șerbănuță, G Roșu
9th International Workshop on Rewriting Logic and its Applications (WRLA'12 …, 2012
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Articles 1–20