Giuseppe Perelli
Giuseppe Perelli
Assistant Professor at Sapienza University of Rome
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Reasoning about strategies: On the model-checking problem
F Mogavero, A Murano, G Perelli, MY Vardi
ACM Transactions on Computational Logic (TOCL) 15 (4), 1-47, 2014
What makes ATL* decidable? a decidable fragment of strategy logic
F Mogavero, A Murano, G Perelli, MY Vardi
International Conference on Concurrency Theory, 193-208, 2012
Synthesis with rational environments
O Kupferman, G Perelli, MY Vardi
Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence 78 (1), 3-20, 2016
Rational verification: From model checking to equilibrium checking
M Wooldridge, J Gutierrez, P Harrenstein, E Marchioni, G Perelli, A Toumi
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 30 (1), 2016
Reasoning about strategies: on the satisfiability problem
F Mogavero, A Murano, G Perelli, MY Vardi
Logical Methods in Computer Science 13, 2017
Checking interval properties of computations
A Molinari, A Montanari, A Murano, G Perelli, A Peron
Acta Informatica 53, 587-619, 2016
Synthesis with rational environments
O Kupferman, G Perelli, MY Vardi
European Conference on Multi-Agent Systems, 219-235, 2014
Reasoning about quality and fuzziness of strategic behaviours
P Bouyer, O Kupferman, N Markey, B Maubert, A Murano, G Perelli
ECAI 2020, 2887-2888, 2020
Imperfect information in reactive modules games
J Gutierrez, G Perelli, M Wooldridge
Information and Computation 261, 650-675, 2018
Automated temporal equilibrium analysis: Verification and synthesis of multi-player games
J Gutierrez, M Najib, G Perelli, M Wooldridge
Artificial Intelligence 287, 103353, 2020
Nash equilibria in concurrent games with lexicographic preferences
J Gutierrez, A Murano, G Perelli, S Rubin, M Wooldridge
2017 International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2017), 2017
Multi-agent path planning in known dynamic environments
A Murano, G Perelli, S Rubin
International conference on principles and practice of multi-agent systems …, 2015
EVE: A Tool for Temporal Equilibrium Analysis
J Gutierrez, M Najib, G Perelli, M Wooldridge
Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis: 16th International …, 2018
Rational verification: game-theoretic verification of multi-agent systems
A Abate, J Gutierrez, L Hammond, P Harrenstein, M Kwiatkowska, M Najib, ...
Applied Intelligence 51 (9), 6569-6584, 2021
Synthesis of controllable nash equilibria in games with quantitative objectives
S Almagor, O Kupferman, G Perelli
International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2018
On computational tractability for rational verification
J Gutierrez, M Najib, G Perelli, M Wooldridge
University of Leicester, 2020
Solving parity games using an automata-based algorithm
A Di Stasio, A Murano, G Perelli, MY Vardi
International Conference on Implementation and Application of Automata, 64-76, 2016
Checking interval properties of computations
A Montanari, A Murano, G Perelli, A Peron
2014 21st International Symposium on Temporal Representation and Reasoning …, 2014
Equilibria for games with combined qualitative and quantitative objectives
J Gutierrez, A Murano, G Perelli, S Rubin, T Steeples, M Wooldridge
Acta Informatica 58 (6), 585-610, 2021
Nash equilibrium and bisimulation invariance
J Gutierrez, P Harrenstein, G Perelli, M Wooldridge
Logical Methods in Computer Science 15, 2019
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