Mark M. Malamud (Марк Михайлович Маламуд)
Mark M. Malamud (Марк Михайлович Маламуд)
RUDN University (Российский университет дружбы народов)
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Generalized resolvents and the boundary value problems for Hermitian operators with gaps
VA Derkach, MM Malamud
Journal of Functional Analysis 95 (1), 1-95, 1991
The extension theory of Hermitian operators and the moment problem
VA Derkach, MM Malamud
Journal of mathematical sciences 73 (2), 141-242, 1995
Boundary relations and their Weyl families
V Derkach, S Hassi, M Malamud, H De Snoo
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 358 (12), 5351-5400, 2006
1-D Schrödinger operators with local point interactions on a discrete set
AS Kostenko, MM Malamud
Journal of Differential Equations 249 (2), 253-304, 2010
On the deficiency indices and self-adjointness of symmetric Hamiltonian systems
M Lesch, M Malamud
Journal of Differential Equations 189 (2), 556-615, 2003
Generalized resolvents of symmetric operators and admissibility
HSV de Snoo, VA Derkach, S Hassi, MM Malamud
Methods of Functional Analysis and Topology 6 (03), 24-55, 2000
Uniqueness questions in inverse problems for systems of differential equations on a finite interval
MM Malamud
Transactions of the Moscow Mathematical Society 60, 173-224, 1999
On a formula of the generalized resolvents of a nondensely defined hermitian operator
MM Malamud
Ukrainian mathematical journal 44 (12), 1522-1547, 1992
Weyl function and spectral properties of self-adjoint extensions
JF Brasche, M Malamud, H Neidhardt
Integral Equations and Operator Theory 43 (3), 264-289, 2002
Boundary relations and generalized resolvents of symmetric operators
V Derkach, S Hassi, M Malamud, H de Snoo
Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics 16 (1), 17-60, 2009
Krein type formula for canonical resolvents of dual pairs of linear relations
MM Malamud, VI Mogilevskii
Methods of Functional Analysis and Topology 8 (04), 72-100, 2002
Scattering matrices and Weyl functions
J Behrndt, MM Malamud, H Neidhardt
Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society 97 (3), 568-598, 2008
Similarity of Volterra operators and related questions of the theory of differential equations of fractional order
MM Malamud
Transactions of the Moscow Mathematical Society 55, 57-122, 1994
Some classes of extensions of a Hermitian operator with lacunae
MM Malamud
Ukraın. Mat. Zh 44 (2), 215-233, 1992
On the Weyl function and Hermite operators with lacunae
VA Derkach, MM Malamud
Doklady Akademii Nauk 293 (5), 1041-1046, 1987
Spectral theory of operator measures in Hilbert space
MM Malamud, SM Malamud
Algebra i analiz 15 (3), 1-77, 2003
Spectral theory of semibounded Sturm–Liouville operators with local interactions on a discrete set
S Albeverio, A Kostenko, M Malamud
Journal of mathematical physics 51 (10), 102102, 2010
On the completeness of root subspaces of boundary value problems for first order systems of ordinary differential equations
MM Malamud, LL Oridoroga
Journal of Functional Analysis 263 (7), 1939-1980, 2012
On Kreĭn's extension theory of nonnegative operators
S Hassi, M Malamud, H de Snoo
Mathematische Nachrichten 274 (1), 40-73, 2004
On the spectral theory of Gesztesy–Šeba realizations of 1-D Dirac operators with point interactions on a discrete set
R Carlone, M Malamud, A Posilicano
Journal of Differential Equations 254 (9), 3835-3902, 2013
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