Lichen Fang
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Cited by
Multistable architected materials for trapping elastic strain energy
S Shan, SH Kang, JR Raney, P Wang, L Fang, F Candido, JA Lewis, ...
Adv. Mater 27 (29), 4296-4301, 2015
Design of planar isotropic negative Poisson’s ratio structures
S Shan, SH Kang, Z Zhao, L Fang, K Bertoldi
Extreme Mechanics Letters 4, 96-102, 2015
Review - Recent progress in flexible and stretchable piezoresistive sensors and their applications
J Li, L Fang, B Sun, X Li, SH Kang
Journal of The Electrochemical Society 167 (3), 037561, 2020
Synergistic energy absorption mechanisms of architected liquid crystal elastomers
SY Jeon, B Shen, NA Traugutt, Z Zhu, L Fang, CM Yakacki, TD Nguyen, ...
Advanced Materials 34 (14), 2200272, 2022
Effects of environmental temperature and humidity on the geometry and strength of polycarbonate specimens prepared by fused filament fabrication
L Fang, Y Yan, O Agarwal, S Yao, JE Seppala, SH Kang
Materials 13 (19), 4414, 2020
Processing-structure-property relationships of bisphenol-A-polycarbonate samples prepared by fused filament fabrication
L Fang, Y Yan, O Agarwal, JE Seppala, KJ Hemker, SH Kang
Additive Manufacturing 35, 101285, 2020
Programming the time into 3D printing: current advances and future directions in 4D printing
B Shen, O Erol, L Fang, SH Kang
Multifunctional Materials 3 (1), 012001, 2020
Analytical, numerical, and experimental studies of viscoelastic effects on the performance of soft piezoelectric nanocomposites
J Li, Z Zhu, L Fang, S Guo, U Erturun, Z Zhu, JE West, S Ghosh, SH Kang
Nanoscale 9 (37), 14215-14228, 2017
Piezoelectric polymer thin films with architected cuts
L Fang, J Li, Z Zhu, S Orrego, SH Kang
Journal of Materials Research 33 (3), 330-342, 2018
Estimations of the effective Young's modulus of specimens prepared by fused filament fabrication
L Fang, Y Yan, O Agarwal, JE Seppala, KD Migler, TD Nguyen, SH Kang
Additive Manufacturing 42, 101983, 2021
Simple triple-state polymer actuators with controllable folding characteristics
S Chen, J Li, L Fang, Z Zhu, SH Kang
Applied Physics Letters 110 (13), 133506, 2017
Characterization and optimization of geometrical accuracy and mechanical properties of specimens prepared by fused filament fabrication
L Fang
Johns Hopkins University, 2020
Synergistic energy absorption mechanisms of a liquid crystal elastomer-based metamaterial
B Shen, SY Jeon, Z Zhu, NA Traugutt, L Fang, CM Yakacki, TV Nguyen, ...
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2022, T21. 007, 2022
Geometrical and Mechanical Characterization of Interlayer Bonding Quality in Fused Filament Fabrication
L Fang, Y Yan, O Agarwal, K Hemker, S Kang
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2019, A49. 007, 2019
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Articles 1–14