Carlos Villavieja
Cited by
Cited by
Didi: Mitigating the performance impact of tlb shootdowns using a shared tlb directory
C Villavieja, V Karakostas, L Vilanova, Y Etsion, A Ramirez, A Mendelson, ...
2011 International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation …, 2011
The low-power architecture approach towards exascale computing
N Rajovic, N Puzovic, L Vilanova, C Villavieja, A Ramirez
Proceedings of the second workshop on Scalable algorithms for large-scale …, 2011
Sinuca: A validated micro-architecture simulator
MAZ Alves, C Villavieja, M Diener, FB Moreira, POA Navaux
2015 IEEE 17th International Conference on High Performance Computing and …, 2015
On the simulation of large-scale architectures using multiple application abstraction levels
A Rico Carro, F Cabarcas, C Villavieja Prados, M Pavlovic, A Vega, ...
ACM transactions on architecture and code optimization 8 (4), 36: 1-36: 20, 2012
Towards an adaptable systems architecture for memory tiering at warehouse-scale
P Duraisamy, W Xu, S Hare, R Rajwar, D Culler, Z Xu, J Fan, C Kennelly, ...
Proceedings of the 28th ACM International Conference on Architectural …, 2023
On the simulation of large-scale architectures using multiple application abstraction levels
A Rico, F Cabarcas, C Villavieja, M Pavlovic, A Vega, Y Etsion, A Ramirez, ...
ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization (TACO) 8 (4), 1-20, 2012
Scalable simulation of decoupled accelerator architectures
A Rico, F Cabarcas, A Quesada, M Pavlovic, AJ Vega, C Villavieja, ...
Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Tech. Rep. UPCDAC-RR-2010-14, 2010
Energy savings via dead sub-block prediction
MAZ Alves, E Ebrahimi, VT Narasiman, C Villavieja, POA Navaux, YN Patt
2012 IEEE 24th International Symposium on Computer Architecture and High …, 2012
Yoga: A hybrid dynamic VLIW/OoO processor
C Villavieja, JA Joao, R Miftakhutdinov, YN Patt
no. HPS Technical Report, 2014
Adaptive runtime-assisted block prefetching on chip-multiprocessors
V Garcia, A Rico, C Villavieja, P Carpenter, N Navarro, A Ramirez
International journal of parallel programming 45, 530-550, 2017
FELI: HW/SW support for on-chip distributed shared memory in multicores
C Villavieja, Y Etsion, A Ramirez, N Navarro
Euro-Par 2011 Parallel Processing: 17th International Conference, Euro-Par …, 2011
Memory management on chip-multiprocessors with on-chip memories
C Villavieja, I Gelado, A Ramirez, N Navarro
Proc. Workshop on the Interaction between Operating Systems and Computer …, 2008
Scalable simulation of decoupled accelerator architectures. Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya
A Rico, F Cabarcas, A Quesada, M Pavlovic, AJ Vega, C Villavieja, ...
Tech. Rep. UPCDACRR-2010-14, 2010
Energy efficient last level caches via last read/write prediction
MAZ Alves, C Villavieja, M Diener, POA Navaux
2013 25th International Symposium on Computer Architecture and High …, 2013
Physics-based time-domain model of a magnetic induction microgenerator
L Mateu, C Villavieja, F Moll
IEEE transactions on magnetics 43 (3), 992-1001, 2007
Aplicación de herramientas tecnológicas en la evaluación del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje: Uso de Smartphones en el aula
A Peña Cerdán, A Palomares Chust, D Andrés Martínez, ...
TEXTOS. Revista Internacional de Aprendizaje y Cibersociedad 17 (1), 11-34, 2013
Cómo evaluar continua e individualmente en asignaturas basadas en proyectos
L Velasco, C Villavieja
Asociación de Enseñantes Universitarios de la Informática (AENUI), 2009
On the simulation of large-scale architectures using multiple application abstraction levels. 2015
A Rico, F Cabarcas, C Villavieja, M Pavlovic, A Vega, Y Etsion, A Ramirez, ...
ACM Trans. Archit. Code Optim 8 (4), 0
The Data Transfer Engine: Towards a Software Controlled Memory Hierarchy
V Garcia, A Rico, C Villavieja, N Navarro, A Ramirez
Advanced Computer Architecture and Compilation for Embedded Systems, 215-218, 2012
Hardware Support for Explicit Communication in Scalable CMP’s
C Villavieja, M Katevenis, N Navarro, D Pnevmatikatos, A Ramirez, ...
Computer Architecture Dept., Polythecnic University of Catalonia (UPC …, 2008
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Articles 1–20