Jawwad Ahmed Shamsi
Cited by
Cited by
DDoS attack detection and mitigation using SDN: methods, practices, and solutions
NZ Bawany, JA Shamsi, K Salah
Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering 42, 425-441, 2017
AI-based personalized e-learning systems: Issues, challenges, and solutions
M Murtaza, Y Ahmed, JA Shamsi, F Sherwani, M Usman
IEEE access 10, 81323-81342, 2022
Smart City Architecture: Vision and Challenges
N Bawany Zakaria, S Jawwad
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science & Applications 6 (11 …, 2015
Volunteer computing: requirements, challenges, and solutions
MN Durrani, JA Shamsi
Journal of Network and Computer Applications 39, 369-380, 2014
Data-intensive cloud computing: requirements, expectations, challenges, and solutions
J Shamsi, MA Khojaye, MA Qasmi
Journal of grid computing 11 (2), 281-310, 2013
SEAL: SDN based secure and agile framework for protecting smart city applications from DDoS attacks
NZ Bawany, JA Shamsi
Journal of Network and Computer Applications 145, 102381, 2019
Understanding Privacy Violations for Big Data Systems
J Shamsi, M Khojaye
IT Professional, 73-80, 2018
Capbug-a framework for automatic bug categorization and prioritization using nlp and machine learning algorithms
HA Ahmed, NZ Bawany, JA Shamsi
IEEE Access 9, 50496-50512, 2021
Attribution in cyberspace: techniques and legal implications
JA Shamsi, S Zeadally, F Sheikh, A Flowers
Security and Communication Networks 9 (15), 2886-2900, 2016
QoSMap: Achieving quality and resilience through overlay construction
J Shamsi, M Brockmeyer
2009 Fourth International Conference on Internet and Web Applications and …, 2009
QoSMap: QoS aware mapping of virtual networks for resiliency and efficiency
J Shamsi, M Brockmeyer
2007 IEEE Globecom Workshops, 1-6, 2007
LSTM based stock prediction using weighted and categorized financial news
S Usmani, JA Shamsi
PloS one 18 (3), e0282234, 2023
A survey on security issues, vulnerabilities and attacks in Android based smartphone
JB Hur, JA Shamsi
2017 International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies …, 2017
Clicksafe: Providing security against clickjacking attacks
JA Shamsi, S Hameed, W Rahman, F Zuberi, K Altaf, A Amjad
2014 IEEE 15th International Symposium on High-Assurance Systems Engineering …, 2014
Comprehensive three-phase bibliometric assessment on the blockchain (2012–2020)
S Alam, S Zardari, J Shamsi
Library Hi Tech 41 (2), 287-308, 2023
Machine learning based personalized drug response prediction for lung cancer patients
R Qureshi, SA Basit, JA Shamsi, X Fan, M Nawaz, H Yan, T Alam
Scientific Reports 12 (1), 18935, 2022
eUF: A framework for detecting over-the-air malicious updates in autonomous vehicles
A Qureshi, M Marvi, JA Shamsi, A Aijaz
Journal of King Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences 34 (8 …, 2022
News sensitive stock market prediction: literature review and suggestions
S Usmani, JA Shamsi
PeerJ Computer Science 7, e490, 2021
Secure multi-hop routing protocols in Wireless Sensor Networks: Requirements, challenges and solutions
NM Durrani, N Kafi, J Shamsi, W Haider, AM Abbsi
Eighth International Conference on Digital Information Management (ICDIM …, 2013
Understanding network requirements for smart city applications: Challenges and solutions
N Shoaib, JA Shamsi
IT Professional 21 (3), 33-40, 2019
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Articles 1–20