Joaquim Armando Pires Jorge
Joaquim Armando Pires Jorge
Other namesJoaquim a Jorge, Joaquim Jorge
UNESCO Chair on AI&XR / INESC-ID / Tecnico Lisboa | Eurographics and IEEE Fellow
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Cited by
Cited by
Sketch-based modeling: A survey
L Olsen, FF Samavati, MC Sousa, JA Jorge
Computers & Graphics 33 (1), 85-103, 2009
Engaging Engineering Students with Gamification
G Barata, S Gama, J Jorge, D Gonçalves
VS-Games 2013, 2013
Improving Participation and Learning with Gamification
G Barata, S Gama, J Jorge, D Gonçalves
Gamification 2013, 2013
Studying student differentiation in gamified education: A long-term study
G Barata, S Gama, J Jorge, D Gonçalves
Computers in Human Behavior 71 (Gamification and Learning), 550–585, 2017
Shapeshop: Sketch-based solid modeling with blobtrees
R Schmidt, B Wyvill, MC Sousa, JA Jorge
ACM SIGGRAPH 2007 courses, 43-es, 2007
Counterfactuals and causability in explainable artificial intelligence: Theory, algorithms, and applications
YL Chou, C Moreira, P Bruza, C Ouyang, J Jorge
Information Fusion, 2022
CALI: An online scribble recognizer for calligraphic interfaces
MJ Fonseca, C Pimentel, JA Jorge
AAAI spring symposium on sketch understanding, 51-58, 2002
A Survey on 3D Virtual Object Manipulation: From the Desktop to Immersive Virtual Environments
D Mendes, FM Caputo, A Giachetti, A Ferreira, J Jorge
Computer Graphics Forum, 2018
The continuous interaction space: interaction techniques unifying touch and gesture on and above a digital surface
N Marquardt, R Jota, S Greenberg, JA Jorge
Human-Computer Interaction–INTERACT 2011: 13th IFIP TC 13 International …, 2011
Implicit curves and surfaces: mathematics, data structures and algorithms
AJP Gomes, I Voiculescu, J Jorge, B Wyvill, C Galbraith
Springer London, 2009
Sketch-based modeling with few strokes
JJ Cherlin, F Samavati, MC Sousa, JA Jorge
Proceedings of the 21st spring conference on Computer graphics, 137-145, 2005
Physio@ Home: Exploring visual guidance and feedback techniques for physiotherapy exercises
R Tang, XD Yang, S Bateman, J Jorge, A Tang
Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing …, 2015
A comparison of ray pointing techniques for very large displays
R Jota, MA Nacenta, J Jorge, S Carpendale, S Greenberg
GI '10: Proceedings of Graphics Interface 2010, 269-276, 2010
Blind people and mobile touch-based text-entry: acknowledging the need for different flavors
J Oliveira, T Guerreiro, H Nicolau, J Jorge, D Gonçalves
The proceedings of the 13th international ACM SIGACCESS conference on …, 2011
Using fuzzy logic to recognize geometric shapes interactively
MJ Fonseca, JA Jorge
Ninth IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems. FUZZ-IEEE 2000 (Cat …, 2000
BrailleType: unleashing braille over touch screen mobile phones
J Oliveira, T Guerreiro, H Nicolau, J Jorge, D Gonçalves
Human-Computer Interaction–INTERACT 2011: 13th IFIP TC 13 International …, 2011
Elderly text-entry performance on touchscreens
H Nicolau, J Jorge
Proceedings of the 14th international ACM SIGACCESS conference on Computers …, 2012
Evaluating adaptive user profiles for news classification
R Carreira, JM Crato, D Gonçalves, JA Jorge
Proceedings of the 9th international conference on Intelligent user …, 2004
Indexing high-dimensional data for content-based retrieval in large databases
MJ Fonseca, JA Jorge
Database Systems for Advanced Applications, 2003.(DASFAA 2003). Proceedings …, 2003
Mockup Builder: 3D modeling on and above the surface
BR De Araújo, G Casiez, JA Jorge, M Hachet
Computers & Graphics 37 (3), 165-178, 2013
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Articles 1–20