Qingliang Chen
Qingliang Chen
Professor of Computer Science, Jinan University
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Cited by
Bert4gcn: Using bert intermediate layers to augment gcn for aspect-based sentiment classification
Z Xiao, J Wu, Q Chen, C Deng
arXiv preprint arXiv:2110.00171, 2021
EWLS: A new local search for minimum vertex cover
S Cai, K Su, Q Chen
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 24 (1), 45-50, 2010
A computationally grounded logic of knowledge, belief and certainty
K Su, A Sattar, G Governatori, Q Chen
Proceedings of the fourth international joint conference on autonomous …, 2005
A new click-through rates prediction model based on Deep&Cross network
G Huang, Q Chen, C Deng
Algorithms 13 (12), 342, 2020
Normative multiagent systems: A dynamic generalization
X Huang, J Ruan, Q Chen, K Su
arXiv preprint arXiv:1604.05086, 2016
Bounded model checking knowledge and branching time in synchronous multi-agent systems
X Luo, K Su, A Sattar, Q Chen, G Lv
Proceedings of the fourth international joint conference on Autonomous …, 2005
Knowledge structure approach to verification of authentication protocols
K Su, G Lü, Q Chen
Science in China Series F: Information Sciences 48, 513-532, 2005
PRIMA 2015: Principles and Practice of Multi-Agent Systems
Q Chen, P Torroni, S Villata, J Hsu, R Goebel
The 18th International Conference, 2015
Automatic verification of web service protocols for epistemic specifications under Dolev-Yao model
Q Chen, K Su, C Liu, Y Xiao
2010 International Conference on Service Sciences, 49-54, 2010
Sequential convolution and runge-kutta residual architecture for image compressed sensing
R Zheng, Y Zhang, D Huang, Q Chen
Computer Vision–ECCV 2020: 16th European Conference, Glasgow, UK, August 23 …, 2020
A complete first-order temporal BDI logic for forest multi-agent systems
L Wu, K Su, A Sattar, Q Chen, J Su, W Wu
Knowledge-Based Systems 27, 343-351, 2012
Primitive recursive real numbers
Q Chen, K Su, X Zheng
Mathematical Logic Quarterly 53 (4‐5), 365-380, 2007
Primitive recursiveness of real numbers under different representations
Q Chen, K Su, X Zheng
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 167, 303-324, 2007
Reconfigurability in Reactive Multiagent Systems.
X Huang, Q Chen, J Meng, K Su
IJCAI 2016, 315-321, 2016
The Complexity of Model Checking Succinct Multiagent Systems.
X Huang, Q Chen, K Su
IJCAI 2015, 1076-1082, 2015
Verification of authentication protocols for epistemic goals via SAT compilation
KL Su, QL Chen, A Sattar, WY Yue, GF Lv, XZ Zheng
Journal of Computer Science and Technology 21 (6), 932-943, 2006
Pruning adapters with lottery ticket
J Wu, Q Chen
Algorithms 15 (2), 63, 2022
Dropout with tabu strategy for regularizing deep neural networks
Z Ma, A Sattar, J Zhou, Q Chen, K Su
The Computer Journal 63 (7), 1031-1038, 2020
Symbolic model checking for discrete real-time systems
X Luo, L Wu, Q Chen, H Li, L Zheng, Z Chen
Science China Information Sciences 61, 1-23, 2018
Model checking temporal logics of knowledge and its application in security verification
L Wu, K Su, Q Chen
Computational Intelligence and Security: International Conference, CIS 2005 …, 2005
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Articles 1–20