Complex ratio masking for monaural speech separation DS Williamson, Y Wang, DL Wang IEEE/ACM transactions on audio, speech, and language processing 24 (3), 483-492, 2016 | 845 | 2016 |
Time-frequency masking in the complex domain for speech dereverberation and denoising DS Williamson, DL Wang IEEE/ACM transactions on audio, speech, and language processing 25 (7), 1492 …, 2017 | 262 | 2017 |
Complex ratio masking for joint enhancement of magnitude and phase DS Williamson, Y Wang, DL Wang 2016 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2016 | 92 | 2016 |
Towards Quantifying the" Album Effect" in Artist Identification. YE Kim, DS Williamson, S Pilli ISMIR, 393-394, 2006 | 66 | 2006 |
An attention enhanced multi-task model for objective speech assessment in real-world environments X Dong, DS Williamson ICASSP 2020-2020 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and …, 2020 | 56 | 2020 |
Speech dereverberation and denoising using complex ratio masks DS Williamson, DL Wang 2017 IEEE international conference on acoustics, speech and signal …, 2017 | 52 | 2017 |
On Loss Functions and Recurrency Training for GAN-based Speech Enhancement Systems Z Zhang, C Deng, Y Shen, DS Williamson, Y Sha, Y Zhang, H Song, X Li INTERSPEECH, 3266-3270, 2020 | 45 | 2020 |
Reconstruction techniques for improving the perceptual quality of binary masked speech DS Williamson, Y Wang, DL Wang The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 136 (2), 892-902, 2014 | 41 | 2014 |
Impact of phase estimation on single-channel speech separation based on time-frequency masking F Mayer, DS Williamson, P Mowlaee, DL Wang The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 141 (6), 4668-4679, 2017 | 38 | 2017 |
ConferencingSpeech 2022 Challenge: Non-intrusive Objective Speech Quality Assessment (NISQA) Challenge for Online Conferencing Applications G Yi, W Xiao, Y Xiao, B Naderi, S Moller, W Wardah, G Mittag, R Cutler, ... INTERSPEECH, 3308-3312, 2022 | 36 | 2022 |
A pyramid recurrent network for predicting crowdsourced speech-quality ratings of real-world signals X Dong, D Williamson INTERSPEECH, 463104635, 2020 | 34 | 2020 |
Multi-channel multi-frame ADL-MVDR for target speech separation Z Zhang, Y Xu, M Yu, SX Zhang, L Chen, DS Williamson, D Yu IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing 29, 3526-3540, 2021 | 33 | 2021 |
An end-to-end non-intrusive model for subjective and objective real-world speech assessment using a multi-task framework Z Zhang, P Vyas, X Dong, DS Williamson ICASSP 2021-2021 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and …, 2021 | 29 | 2021 |
Estimating nonnegative matrix model activations with deep neural networks to increase perceptual speech quality DS Williamson, Y Wang, DL Wang The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 138 (3), 1399-1407, 2015 | 29 | 2015 |
A classification-aided framework for non-intrusive speech quality assessment X Dong, DS Williamson 2019 IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and …, 2019 | 27 | 2019 |
A two-stage approach for improving the perceptual quality of separated speech DS Williamson, Y Wang, DL Wang 2014 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2014 | 25 | 2014 |
Monaural speech separation using a phase-aware deep denoising auto encoder DS Williamson 2018 IEEE 28th International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal …, 2018 | 20 | 2018 |
Finding ikigai: How robots can support meaning in later life N Randall, S Joshi, W Kamino, LJ Hsu, A Agnihotri, G Li, D Williamson, ... Frontiers in Robotics and AI 9, 1011327, 2022 | 17 | 2022 |
Automatic Music Similarity Assessment and Recommendation DS Williamson Drexel University, 2007 | 17 | 2007 |
Deep neural networks for estimating speech model activations DS Williamson, Y Wang, DL Wang 2015 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2015 | 15 | 2015 |