Elkhan Sabziev
Elkhan Sabziev
Другие именаElkhan Sabziyev, Эльхан Сабзиев, Elxan Səbziyev
Institute of Control Systems of ANAS, National Defence University of Azerbaijan Republic, Kiber Ltd
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Building the Dynamometer Card of Sucker Rod Pump Using Power Consumption of the Eclectic Motor of Pumping Unit
GA Guluyev, AB Pashayev, FG Pashayev, AG Rzayev, EN Sabziev
IV international conference «Problems of Cybernetics and Informatics …, 2012
Modelling of the rationally deployment of observing systems
YA Nasibov, AA Bayramov, EN Sabziev, EG Hashimov
Сучасні інформаційні системи 3 (2), 10-13, 2019
Determination of the bearing angle of unobserved ground targets by use of seismic location cells
EG Hashimov, AA Bayramov, EN Sabziev
2017 International Conference on Military Technologies (ICMT), 185-188, 2017
Determining the location of an unmanned aerial vehicle based on video camera images
E Sabziev
Advanced Information Systems 5 (1), 136-139, 2021
The mathematical model of technical supply logistics in the war activity zones
AA Bayramov, AM Talibov, AB Pashayev, EN Sabziev
Modern Information Technologies in the Sphere of Security and Defence 35 (2 …, 2019
SMART control system of systems for dynamic objects group
AA Bayramov, EG Hashimov, AH Hasanov, AB Pashayev, EN Sabziev
Bulgarska Voenna Misal, 2018
On the optimal placement of logistics centers
AM Talibov, EG Hashimov, EN Sabziev, AB Pashayev
Informatics and Control Problems 43 (2), 51-58, 2023
Комплексирование измерений для идентификации траектории полета летательного аппарата
РМ Алгулиев, ГГ Оруджов, ЭН Сабзиев
Мехатроника, Автоматизация, Управление 2, 57-60, 2012
Mathematical aspects of determining the motion parameters of a target by UAV
E Hashimov, E Sabziev, B Huseynov, M Huseynov
Advanced Information Systems 7 (1), 18-22, 2023
About some aspects of usıng a flock of UAVs
EG Hashimov, AM Talibov, AB Pashyaev, EN Sabziev
13 мiжнарожноï науково-технiчноï конференцıï "Сучаснi напрями розвитку …, 2023
A control algorithm for joınt flight of a group of drones
E Sabziev
Scientific Journal of Silesian University of Technology. Series Transport …, 2021
Комплексирование измерений для идентификации траектории полета летательного аппарата
РМ Алгулиев, ГГ Оруджов, ЭН Сабзиев
Мехатроника, автоматизация, управление, 57-60, 2012
Determining the location of the UAV equipped with a homing device based on radio beacons
S Muradov, E Hashimov, E Sabziev
Modeling, Control and Information Technologies: Proceedings of International …, 2023
Optimal placement of logistics centers in the Republic of Azerbaijan
A Talibov, E Sabziev, A Pashayev, E Hashimov
2nd International Conference on Problems of Logistics, Management and …, 2023
Determination of coordinates of targets from unmanned aerial vehicles
E Hashimov, E Sabziyev, B Huseynov, M Huseynov
Intelligence 2, 5, 2022
Effectiveness of artillery systems
AA Aliev, AA Bayramov, EN Sabziev
Advanced Information Systems 2 (3), 115-122, 2018
Assessment of dead zone of jointly operating radars
E Hashimov, R Maharramov, E Sabziev, A Pashaev
Національний університет “Полтавська політехніка імені Юрія Кондратюка …, 2023
Mathematical Model of a Hexacopter-Type Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
G Nabadova, E Sabziev
International conference on problems of logistics, management and operation …, 2021
The system of data gathering and processing in military reconnaissance
VM Mammadov, EN Sabziev, AA Bayramov
National security and military sciences 5 (2), 42-52, 2019
Modelling of the rationally deployment of technical observing systems in mountainous terrain
EN Sabziev, AA Bayramov, YA Nasibov
Proc. of the International Scientific Conference “Modern Problems of …, 2018
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